American Political Intrigue
Robert Morris: Inside the Revolution
America is a country full of entrepreneurs, but few know the historical basis for their existence. The country's history is presented as a narrative where slave holding farmers of the South, and the hard scrapple fishermen and sailors of New England somehow created a nation that utilizes banks, credit, manufacturing and commerce to become the richest nation on earth. This makes no sense, so to the answer to the question they add in Hamilton, who was a political appointee for five years. Oddly, Hamilton was not an entrepreneur. The winners write the history. Robert Morris's party, the Federalists, lost the election of 1800, after that there was little interest in explaining Morris's contributions, his struggles, or his victories. This is why so many people know only the caricature painted by his political opposites, i.e., Robert Morris went bankrupt, but few people know any more than that about him. There's no propaganda like old propaganda, I guess, so this is why modern historians don't like making room for him in the panoply of Founding Fathers. Too bad for them. Morris was no third tier player. During his lifetime, Morris operated an international smuggling network, financed the war, ran the Continental Navy, started the first bank, held the first executive office, had an interest in 250 privateer vessels and used some of these to attack the British slave trade. He started the mint, provided the designs for the first six ships in the Navy he championed, got rid of religious test laws, helped Hamilton become Secretary of the Treasury, chaired 40 senatorial committees, and signed all three founding documents, just for example. Only one of those accomplishments would have made a career. For his trouble, Morris was investigated for years by his political opposites, and ultimately their treachery contributed to his downfall. Morris isn't overlooked because he did too little, but rather because he did so much, for so many, that his practical contributions make others, who excelled only at politics, look puny in comparison. Leaving Morris out, also satisfies small minded people who think there were no great men in history. Omitting Morris makes the current narrative look a bit flimsy, as it rests on false theories of exploitation, and myths of inevitability. The reaction to that slanted view provides the basis for so many of the misunderstandings we see in America today. This book weaves Robert Morris back into the story of America's founding. This naturally, forces the reader to understand how a radical idea like laissez-faire capitalism contributed to independency. The book also provides context for the American Revolution, and demonstrates the political, cultural, and economic forces of the day. Morris, an immigrant and orphan at 16, was the personification of American capitalism. His ideas in favor of economic development, industrialization, trade, and the growth of the middle class, ran headlong into the culture of the distressed cavaliers within the Old Dominion. Exploring this conflict reveals how our modern system arose far from the farms and fields of the 18th century, and instead, grew out of the spirit of risk coming from the merchant traders in the bustling port cities. Some of the content fills in long overlooked details, so be prepared to have your eyes opened. For example, many people think the arrival of the French fleet at Yorktown in 1781, was some kind of miracle, but they were not told that Morris, as Agent of Marine, coordinated that arrival with Washington's. Fewer still know America went bankrupt before Morris was called in, or that he personally put up more money for the war during one year, than all the states combined. This book uncovers these, and many other back stories that have been glossed over, over the years. Robert Morris, Inside the Revolution is based on the facts; many are surprising, some are not pretty, but after reading this, today's America will make more sense.
QAnon & the #Pizzagates of Hell
Most of the rational world is currently asking, “What is wrong with these Qanon people?” My book, #Pizzagates of Hell: Unreal Stories of Occult Child Abuse by the CIA, asks, “What is right with them?”Sure, Qanon is an unhinged, mostly right-wing group of individuals that believe the world is run by a left-wing cabal of satanic pedophiles. But, by the time of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, their numbers were growing. And not just in the United States. There have been contingents in the U.K., Germany and Australia. 89 Qanon supporters in the U.S. ran for Congress, suggesting that Qanon has come to represent a minor political constituency.My book doesn’t ask what sort of deranged media and cultural environment gave rise to Qanon. Instead, it asks what it is about their ideology that has caught fire. More specifically, it asks: is there something in the supposedly delusional ravings of this new political movement that might actually be accurate?• Pedo cabal? Check. Notorious pedophile and spook Jeffrey Epstein had ties to two U.S. presidents, the king of Saudi Arabia, two Israeli prime ministers, and the British Royal Family.• Occultism? Check. British intelligence relied on Aleister Crowley, the disputed grandfather of satanism, as a spy from World War One and beyond. U.S. intelligence agent Lt. Col. Michael Aquino was an open satanist accused of ritual sexual abuse of children at multiple daycare centers across the U.S. and possibly abroad.• The Illuminati? Check. The Illuminati may not exist, per se, but numerous secret societies do exert undue influence on global affairs, from the Freemasons and Skull and Bones to Bilderberg and Le Cercle. It’s hard not to argue that we are ruled by a secret elite.• Turning Us All into Sex Slaves? Question mark. Though the long-rumored Monarch Program is feasible when one examines the history of the CIA's MK ULTRA, there is, so far, no proof of its existence.Once we’ve asked what Qanon has gotten right, Pre-order. Book release date is July 4, 2022
The Valediction: Three Nights of Desmond
Afghanistan was an American crusade to win the cold war against the “Evil Soviet Empire” and remake the world in its own image. Our telling goes right to the heart of understanding what really happened to America with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Instead of fulfilling the Western Dream, the US trapped itself in its own nightmare of endless war. Now Americans long for a spiritual regeneration towards peace. No one seems able to make the process move in the right direction. Over four decades we assimilated an understanding of how to envision moving from war as an honorable sacrifice to peace that serves all. Our two-part novelized memoir delivers a revelatory look at how we came to that awareness throughworldly and otherworldly encounters with many fascinating people along the way. -The Valediction: Three Nights of Desmond Book 1 combines Three Days of the Condor and JFK as journalist Paul Fitzgerald unravels the deep state mystery behind the unsolved 1979 assassination of U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan Adolph Dubs. Dubs’ death changed the world as much as JFK’s but few even know his name. In a serendipitous encounter at the Kabul Hotel during his investigation, Paul meets a mysterious ally who not only helps him solve the Dubs’ murder, he challenges Paul’s assumptions about why he was drawn to Afghanistan in the first place and what to do about it.
The Dunes Hotel and Casino: The Mob, the Connections, the Stories
“The intent behind this book is to record classic Las Vegas history that would be lost forever if not memorialized.” The Dunes operation was a spectrum of information that is intricate and mysterious at times, protected by a shroud of secrecy and intrigue that is virtually impossible to decipher. It featured different operators and Mob characters who, at various times in the history of the hotel, were involved in various ventures, including gambling, bookmaking, real estate investment and many other business arrangements. There are more than 390 footnotes, and an index. I have been working on this book for almost four years, which included many hours of research and the development of a timeline. My research helped bring forth answers to questions regarding notable gambling operators, Mafia chiefs, U.S. Senators, Governors and memorable events. One such event solves a mystery of a bomb assassination plot and a shooting; politicians were compromised, Hoffa pulled strings and there are heretofore undisclosed facts that involve President Kennedy’s assassination. I never dreamed these details would ever be uncovered. This book is shipping 1/12/22
JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick
Have you found yourself thinking that something just does not add up ? But you can't figure out exactly what? Do you fear that somehow the West is now losing it's freedom, but you can't quite put your finger on why? Then you need to read this Book.... "JFK to 911 is already a global phenomenon, having began life as a Youtube video which achieved over a Billion hits by becoming the first Documentary in human history to untangle all the Establishment lies and reveal the entire truth about the Kennedy Assassination and 911. These disclosures so frightened the powers-that-be that President Trump and the Queen of England took the joint decision to ban it altogether, so that if you read this Book you will be learning the most cardinal secrets which your government would much rather you did not know. Nearly all intelligent people these days are wary of what we are being told by the mainstream media, but fewer are aware that the very notion of 'Fake News' began with the words on these pages, and that all government policy in recent times has been an ongoing effort to hold back the increasing enlightenment these words have inspired. Legions of people have taken the trouble to go online so that they could tell the world about how learning that absolutely everything is a rich man's trick - the Justice system, the Education system, the Economic system and most importantly the Media, became "a moment of epiphany" in their life; so much so that many have found themselves trying to explain to their fellow citizens "You only THINK you know what reality is - you don't." Francis Richard Conolly is now extremely hopeful that these sorts of people, who have made a movie which he originally gave them for free such a central part of their existence, will now buy this Book in order to build the revenues which he needs to make the sequel which everyone wants to see.
Liberated! The Economics of Hope
No one creates any money to repay the debt, so we have to borrow and go deeper in debt. In real life the banksters have made us all debt slaves waiting hopefully for liberation from our bondage.
One Nation Under Blackmail Vol 2
Other books on Jeffrey Epstein focus on the depraved nature of his crimes, his wealth and his most famous/politically-connected friends and acquaintances. This book, in contrast, reveals definitively that Epstein's activities were state-sponsored through his intelligence connections. The book is scheduled October 2022. Whitney delivered an incredible book. Around 900 pages. We have had to split it in to two volumes. There will be a bundle available where you can get both books for $34.95. Volume One: https://trineday.com/products/one-nation-under-blackmail-vol-one Bundle: https://trineday.com/products/one-nation-under-blackmail-bundle
Silent Coup The Removal of a President
This is the true story of betrayal at the nation's highest level. Unfolding with the suspenseful pace of a le Carre spy thriller, it reveals the personal motives and secret political goals that combined to cause the Watergate break-in and destroy Richard Nixon. Investigator Len Colodny and journalist Robert Gettlin relentlessly pursued the people who brought down the president. Their revelations shocked the world and forever changed our understanding of politics, of journalism, and of Washington behind closed doors. Silent Coup contains exclusive new material gathered from hundreds of interviews, from still-unreleased government documents, from the complete Oval Office logs of Nixon's presidency, and from a painstaking cross-examination of the books and testimony of the major and minor players in the story. The result is a major revision of history, one that will forever change our understanding of how and why Richard Nixon was forced to resign. HISTORY520 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, MOBIPOCKET, EPUBPAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $29.95)PUBLICATION DATE: JUNE 2016ISBN 9781634240536RIGHTS: WOR
Microwave War
February 23. 12:01 AM. Pinprick to my neck beneath my left ear. Then a multitude of electrical shocks ripple all across my body, concurrently, from head to toe. This is a new phenomenon. An aircraft is continually hovering overhead; it must be a helicopter. I am listening to my walkman when this happens.12:17 AM. Electrical shock beneath my left foot. Aircraft is continually hovering overhead.12:21 AM. Electrical shock beneath my right foot. Aircraft hovering overhead.12:35 AM. Electrical shock to my neck. Concurrently there is a loud SNAP! that strikes the floor directly to my left. Aircraft hovering above.6:35 AM. Aircraft is persistently buzzing loudly overhead. A series of audible fine taps, staccato in nature, pepper the top of the comforter: ss, ss, ss, ss, ss, ss. It sounds like sand is being thrown on the bed. This is the first time that I have heard a sound like this on the comforter. Concurrently, a series of loud snaps resonate off the wooden living room floor in the next room. The aircraft remains above. I look at the clock to see how long it will remain overhead. 6:36, 6:37, 6:38, 6:39, 6:40, 6:41. The buzzing is getting closer and louder. 6:41, 6:42, 6:43, 6:44, 6:45.7:00 AM. The aircraft is still hovering overhead. I get an electrical shock beneath the big toe on my left foot. Then the aircraft seems to be going a little farther away as to image inside someone else’s building.7:01 AM. I still hear the aircraft very clearly. Now it is circling around directly overhead again.7:20 AM. An aircraft is still overhead, but farther away.7:30 AM. The aircraft is still up there. I go about my work and check at 5 minute intervals: 7:35, 7:40, 7:45, 7:50, 7:55, 8:00. It is still circling overhead. 8:20, 8:25, 8:30, 8:35, 8:40. It remains persistent and unrelenting.. POLITICAL SCIENCE303 PAGES, 5.5 X 8.5FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $14.95 (US $14.95) (CA $16.95)ISBN 9781936296996RIGHTS: WOR
Microwave Experiment
Asserting that the U.S. government is carrying out microwave experimentation on its citizens, this discussion of various governmental chemical and biological testing sets forth unnerving accusations that are not for the faint of heart. This book is for those who wonder if national and global tragedies are not mere accidents, but rather planned events that are executed by the U.S. military-industrial-oil-bank complex for nefarious purposes. A variety of taboo topics not discussed in the mainstream media are addressed. Allegations such as electro-bolts to the brain, driverless cars swerving through traffic, and preparation for urban warfare are discussed in this book full of hard-hitting allegations. POLITICAL SCIENCE240 PAGES, 5.5 X 8.5FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $14.95 (US $14.95) (CA $16.95)ISBN 9781936296248RIGHTS: WOR
The Science Behind Microwave War
The media, whose duty it is to protect citizens in a democracy, has failed miserably: it is silent on the Pentagon’s experimentation with the bioeffects of electromagnetic attack. Newspapers, TV and radio stations ignore letters and emails that Americans send to them in which they report harassment in detail, even supplying videos taken in high def with stereo sound, doctors’ reports, and corroborating testimony from witnesses. Senators and House reps respond with boilerplate statements thanking them and reminding them that their opinions count. The subject of Nazi military experiments that the Pentagon is doing in New York City is taboo. And yet people gather on the street, in department stores, at the library, in crowded subway cars, and they discuss these things. The Pentagon cannot keep its development of the police state a secret forever. People already know. And the word is spreading fast.The military denies that it is developing electromagnetic weapons precisely because they are silent and imperceptible; because they cause long-term neurological damage, intimidate and harass, entrain the brain, alter perception, induce mood change, wake people up or put them to sleep, animate or calm them down; because they maim, kill or cause the migration of mass populations via weather modification, artificially induced earthquakes of high magnitude, and volcanic eruptions.This study will address the gamut of diverse tools in the Pentagon’s arsenal: high power microwave (HPM); electromagnetic pulse (EMP); extra low frequency (ELF); through-the-wall imaging (TWI); smart skin for airplanes that permit the entire hull of an aircraft to act as an antenna, receive and transmit radio waves, image through buildings and vehicles with precision, send a shock to the brain and heart of a target on the other side of a barrier, set an apartment building on fire, explode a subterranean steam pipe, skew the electronics in an aircraft to get rid of someone for political purposes, or set a country on fire in the middle of the night by using laser to heat up brush. All of these things have occurred. POLITICAL SCIENCE196 PAGES, 5.5 X 8.5FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $14.95 (US $14.95) (CA $16.95)ISBN 9781937584443RIGHTS: WOR
Prosecution for Treason
The Constitution defines treason as levying war against the United States, by persons who hold allegiance to the US, in other words all Americans. This author argues that violence committed against citizens by anyone who wages weather warfare (she assumes Hurricane Katrina is an example) or who sets epidemics in motion (by laboratory-created diseases such as AIDS) should be prosecuted for the crime of treason. As for the violent MK-Ultra techniques, to which thousands of children were subjected, and which Congress revealed in 1975, how is it that all the perpetrators escaped punishment? They would be properly designated not as Dr Strangelove’s but as traitors. The law is clear on this. Political Science, History288 pages, Trade Paper, 6 x 9Distribution Rights: WOR$9.95 (CAN $11.95)9781936296217 (1936296217)
Rigorous Intuition What You Don't Know Can't Hurt Them
Political discourse that challenges the status quo "In Jeff's hands, tinfoil hats become crowns and helmets of the purest gold. I strongly suggest that you all pay attention to what he has to say." — Arthur Gilroy, Booman TribuneA welcome source of analysis and commentary for those prepared to go deeper — and darker — than even most alternative media permit, this collection from one of the most popular conspiracy theory arguments on the internet will assist readers in clarifying their own arguments and recognizing disinformation. Tackling many of the most difficult subjects that define our time — including 9/11, the JonBenet Ramsey Case, and "High Weirdness" — these studies, containing the best of the Rigorous Intuition blog as well as original content, make connections that both describe the current, alarming predicament and suggest a strategy for taking back the world. Following the maxim "What you don't know can't hurt them," this assortment of essays and tools, including the updated and expanded "Coincidence Theorists' Guide to 9/11," guides the intellectually curious down further avenues of study and scrutiny and helps readers feel empowered rather than vulnerable.
Jaded Tasks
Intense investigation into the wicked worldwide powers and their ties to the Bush clan This investigative account details how America's economic and intelligence associations with Saudi Arabia and Pakistan led to the devastating September 11 attacks and illustrates the role that private military companies are playing in George W. Bush's "new world order." Based on personal interviews, never-before-published classified documents, and extensive research, this examination details the criminal forces thought to rule the world today—the Bush cartel, Russian-Ukranian-Israeli mafia, and Wahhabist Saudi terror financiers—revealing links between these groups and disastrous terrorist events.
Octopus Conspiracy
Insightful essays on the genesis of subcultures from new wave and yuppies to graffiti and rap From the birth of hip-hop culture in the South Bronx to the influence of nightclubs in shaping the modern art world in New York, a generation of countercultural events and icons are brought to life in this personal account of the life and experiences of a former investigative reporter and editor of High Times. Evidence from cutting-edge conspiracy research including the real story behind the JFK assassination and the Franklin Savings and Loan cover-up is presented. Quirky personalities and compelling snapshots of life in the 1980s and 1990s emerge in this collection of vignettes from a landmark figure in journalism. Steven Hager is the author of Adventures in Counterculture, Art After Midnight, and Hip Hop. He is a former reporter for the New York Daily News and former editor of High Times. He lives in Woodstock, New York. Kris Millegan is the son of a CIA intelligence official. He has written articles for High Times and Paranoia Magazine. He lives in Walterville, Oregon.
Fleshing Out Skull & Bones
Investigations into America's Most Powerful Secret Society An expose of Yale's supersecretive and elite Order of Skull & Bones This chronicle of espionage, drug smuggling, and elitism in Yale University's Skull & Bones society offers rare glimpses into this secret world with previously unpublished documents, photographs, and articles that delve into issues such as racism, financial ties to the Nazi party, and illegal corporate dealings. Contributors include Antony Sutton, author of America's Secret Establishment; Dr. Ralph Bunch, professor emeritus of political science at Portland State University; Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, authors and historians; and Howard Altman, editor of thePhiladelphia City Paper. A complete list of known members, including George Bush and George W. Bush, and reprints of rare magazine articles on the Order of Skull and Bones are included. More info, sample pages, cover close-ups and more at FleshingOutSkullAndBones.com Category: Current EventsPages: 720Book Type: PaperSize: 6 x 9ISBN: 0975290606
A searing examination of the lies and intrigue that brought the Bush family to power Based on more than a decade of research, this expos+ presents troubling information about America’s first family and its second member to become president, George W. Bush. Revealed are the Bush administration’s deceptions about the September 11 terrorist attacks and the resulting cover-up, the role of long-time Bush family friend Charles W. Kane in tampering with contentious Florida ballots, and the details behind Prescott Bush’s stint as the managing director of a Nazi bank. The Bush family’s ongoing association with the mysterious Skull and Bones society is also explored. This alternative history sheds light on the darker side of the powerful Bush family that has been ignored by the mainstream media.Toby Rogers is an investigative journalist whose work has appeared in The New York Times, New York Post, The Village Voice, and High Times. He lives in Hastings on Hudson, New York.
America's Secret Establishment, An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones
The story behind America's most exclusive brotherhood For 170 years they have met in secret. From out of their initiates come presidents, senators, judges, cabinet secretaries, and plenty of spooks. They are the titans of finance and industry and have now installed a third member as United States President George W. Bush. This intriguing behind-the-scenes look documents Yale's secretive society, the Order of the Skull and Bones, and its prominent members, numbering among them Tafts, Rockefellers, Pillsburys, and Bushes. Far from being a campus fraternity, the society is more concerned with the success of its members in the post-collegiate world. Included are a verified membership list, rare reprints of original Order materials revealing the interlocking power centers dominated by Bonesmen, and a peek inside the Tomb, their 140-year-old private clubhouse. Antony C. Sutton was a research fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and an economics professor at California State University, Los Angeles. He is the author of 21 books, including Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. Category: History, Political SciencePages: 3355 B/W Photos, 5 B/W Illustrations, 5 Charts, 10 DiagramsBook Type: Trade PaperSize: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2ISBN: 0972020705
One Nation Under Blackmail Vol. 1
Other books on Jeffrey Epstein focus on the depraved nature of his crimes, his wealth and his most famous/politically-connected friends and acquaintances. This book, in contrast, reveals definitively that Epstein's activities were state-sponsored through his intelligence connections. The book has been delayed until September 2022. This is Volume One. Volume Two: https://trineday.com/collections/all-products/products/one-nation-under-blackmail Bundle: https://trineday.com/products/one-nation-under-blackmail-bundle
One Nation Under Blackmail -- Bundle
Other books on Jeffrey Epstein focus on the depraved nature of his crimes, his wealth and his most famous/politically-connected friends and acquaintances. This book, in contrast, reveals definitively that Epstein's activities were state-sponsored through his intelligence connections. Whitney Webb has done great job! Bundle Offer: Both books $39.95. Release date 9/22/22
Pisces Moon: The Dark Arts of Empire
Pisces Moon: The Dark Arts of Empire is a non-fiction book about what writer William Burroughs called, “the backlash and bad karma of empire.” Set against the author’s month-long trip to London, Vietnam and Thailand in early 1991, it tells how the American empire was created by rapacious businessmen backed by a murderous military establishment, media moguls who designed a relentless psychological warfare campaign that glorifies war and warriors, and clerics who contrived a religious justification for imperialism, the subordination of women, and the establishment of chattel slavery. Pisces Moon shows how these mythmakers, led by CIA drug traffickers after World War Two, destroyed much of Southeast Asia. It also tells how the myth of American greatness has come home to roost and is now manifest as the vainglorious, militant Christian nationalist movement that wishes to establish a right-wing dictatorship. Pisces Moon argues that the survival of American democracy, and the world, depends upon people being able to distinguish between material evidence and substantiated facts on the one hand, and conspiracy theories, religious beliefs, and supremacist myths on the other. "a great book, one of Doug Valentine's best" Peter Peter Dale Scott http://www.peterdalescott.net “Doug, I just finished recording your book today, so it's in edit now. It's brilliant! At the same time informative, shocking, emotionally compelling. Thank you for writing it! Reading it has been an honor.” — Stefan Rudnicki, Grammy Award-winning narrator of the Pisces Moon Audible audiobook, available 16 May. "Douglas Valentine is our most unflinching chronicler of the Central Intelligence Agency’s bloody and sordid history. In this book, Valentine unfolds his vast and detailed knowledge of the Agency, and its twisted subculture, in the context of a first-person recollection of a long and surreal research trip through South East Asia. Filled with dingy bars, broken men, humid cities, and slabs of corrupt, covert, and violent history, the landscape comes alive; and the world of the Central Intelligence Agency emerges as even more deranged than you had recalled. Compelling yet tragic, Pisces Moon is compulsive reading." — Christian Parenti, professor of political economy at John Jay College, CUNY; author of Tropic of Chaos and Radical Hamilton. "In a beautifully written, idiosyncratic memoir-travelogue...Doug Valentine recounts his adventures in Vietnam and Thailand in 1991. Doug caught the BBC in bed with the CIA, whitewashing its opium and heroin trafficking around the world and the slaughter of millions it unleashed across South-East Asia." — Nicolas Davies, author and journalist. “If one seriously desires as never before to deeply understand the lurid details and the frightening karma and dark arts of US empire, read this book! The author has seriously documented the extreme dangers of the inseparability of US politics, economics, and organized crime. The CIA and military propaganda have led to a serious dumbing down, enabling popular political corruption and neofascism. The rich and powerful steal everything – from our souls to entire continents – as they lie, deny, and author physical violence as needed. And in case one needs to be reminded, the author explains how supremacist pathology emerging from centuries of White settler myths and anti-feminist propaganda, have detached the US from reality. Read this book – a great foundation for becoming a revolutionary!” - S. Brian Willson, author, trained lawyer, activist, Viet Nam veteran "Pisces Moon: The Dark Arts of Empire is a riveting book by a great investigative journalist that sheds important insights into the working of the CIA and on the underlying ideology guiding the U.S. empire and its bad karma that has resulted in the country's dangerous lurch to the right." — Jeremy Kuzmarov, Managing editor of Covert Action Magazine and author of five books on U.S. foreign policy, including Modernizing Repression: Police Training and Nation Building in the American Century (2012) https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1443/1164/files/PiscesMoonAA.pdf?v=1738078725
Battle Space of Mind: AI and Cybernetics in Information Warfare
The Nazi's never surrendered and planned their 4th Reich using neurocognitive weapons. Going underground their technology made it's way to S. America, the Soviet Union, the United States, among other places. We all are bound by the new rules of corporate fascism, long planned by Himmler, and his main strategy for a 4th Reich, financial control. Are we all just living in a computer-controlled information battlespace continued from World War II? This book dissects the matrix of control used by advanced military industrial powers; it breaks down the technology bit by bit so you have an understanding how technology is being used in a battle for your mind. I address these issues from a veteran's insight as a former Signal Intelligence specialist and with some background in the Intelligence Community, I bring forth countermeasures to this control, showing you how you can safeguard your mind from these attacks. Countermeasures that are not available anywhere in the commercial world, yet without them you will be easy prey for these directed targeted pulse modulated attacks first used by the Nazis. This book is so important that the book is available for free via PDF. The book and extra appendices are available at the author’s web archive: https://github.com/autonomous019/Battlespace-of-Mind August/Spetember 2023
Follow The Money: How China Bought the World
While anyone can hop on a plane and fly anywhere in the world for work or a holiday, investigative journalist Michael McCarthy combines the two, using his frequent press trips as research for hundreds of stories of his travels to nearly 50 countries. While ostensibly reporting about places to stay, where to go and what to do on vacation, he also keeps his eye out for hidden clues about ways that the Chinese Communist Party is secretly infiltrating western democracies in order to take over the world. The book is structured as a page turner, one trip leading to the next, told in narrative style about what the author sees and where, and why the reader should know and care about what is actually happening to the world behind the scenes. The Chinese are taking over the world, and using Westerners money to do so, a true Trojan horse disguised as actions good for all concerned, but deadly dangerous for all.
Hidden In Plain Sight: How the House Select Committee on Assassinations played games with the evidence in the execution of President John F. Kennedy
Catalog Description: Hidden In Plain Sight is a work that is almost twenty-five years in the making. The goal was to construct a guide for the fifty-two witnesses that testified publicly before the House Select Committee on Assassinations.But it doesn’t stop there.Through analyzation of witness testimony at the original hearings, and comparing statements given before and after HSCA testimony, author Tim Smith has brought the evidence into the year 2022.Based on fact, testimony, and independent inquiry, Hidden In Plain Sight is a refreshing take on the HSCA and the Kennedy Assassination.“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever is left, however improbable, has to be the truth.” – Sherlock HolmesDespite the hundreds of books that have been written on the Kennedy Assassination, it is the only one to address the HSCA public testimony. This is important, because at the time, we had the Warren Commission testimony, The Clark Panel, The Garrison Trial, The Church Committee, etc, so the HSCA was the current evaluation of the case at that time in 1978. The HSCA is the next wave of evidence to analyze the Kennedy assassination, so this book kind of resurrects a lot of names and data from th Online Description: Hidden In Plain Sight is a work that is almost twenty-five years in the making. The goal was to construct a guide for the fifty-two witnesses that testified publicly before the House Select Committee on Assassinations.But it doesn’t stop there.Through analyzation of witness testimony at the original hearings, and comparing statements given before and after HSCA testimony, author Tim Smith has brought the evidence into the year 2022.Based on fact, testimony, and independent inquiry, Hidden In Plain Sight is a refreshing take on the HSCA and the Kennedy Assassination.“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever is left, however improbable, has to be the truth.” – Sherlock HolmesDespite the hundreds of books that have been written on the Kennedy Assassination, it is the only one to address the HSCA public testimony. This is important, because at the time, we had the Warren Commission testimony, The Clark Panel, The Garrison Trial, The Church Committee, etc, so the HSCA was the current evaluation of the case at that time in 1978. The HSCA is the next wave of evidence to analyze the Kennedy assassination, so this book kind of resurrects a lot of names and data from that time period, but as I’ve said, if that is all it does, it becomes one of the many dinosaurs in this case. But it isn’t, because the updating of that evidence, often juxtaposed with the evidence in 1978, gives it a fresh and current approach that is much needed in this case.People will learn a lot from the book, and while the book is not overly dogmatic, it respects the reader to draw their own conclusions. Let the evidence take them where it will and if they do, there is a payoff in the end that was there all along, hidden in plain sight.
Mad Bishops: The Hunt for Earl Anglin James and His Assassin Brethren
How did a peddler of phony degrees who claimed to be a world famous bishop build a network of contacts that led to the assassinations of JFK, MLK, and RFK? Beyond that central question, what does this foray into the bizarre and esoteric say about our current state of religion and democracy? Through the life and world of Earl Anglin James, we explore the deep inner workings of religion and intelligence, revealing connections and relationships that were established long before Dallas, 1963, and have defined our destiny as a nation.
Truth About Watergate: A Tale of Extraordinary Lies & Liars
A delusion is a strong belief or conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary. The Watergate delusion, embraced by millions, is that swashbuckling Bob Woodward and the left confronted the malevolent Nixon administration as it cast a sinister pall over America and slayed it with the lance of truth, thereby saving democracy. But the actual evidence demonstrates that Watergate was not a shining example of democracy, and Bob Woodward’s place among the pantheon of journalistic immortals is a grift.One of the grand deceptions of Watergate is that Nixon’s enemies on the left razed his presidency, but it was actually his enemies on the right—the far right—who initially had the means, motive, and opportunity. And although Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein told numerous lies throughout their Watergate reporting, Woodward’s Big Lie was that he didn’t meet Alexander Haig until 1973. As The Truth About Watergate takes the reader on a guided tour of the extraordinary lies and liars of Watergate, its demonstrates that Woodward’s fabrication about Haig has seismic implications. If Woodward’s Big Lie about Haig had been exposed, then the synergistic mythologies of Bob Woodward and “Deep Throat” would have been shattered and swept away by gusts of veracity.The Washington Post has scorned prior Watergate revisionist books, like Silent Coup: The Removal of a President as a conspiracy theory, but The Truth About Watergate shows The Washington Post has fervent, utilitarian motives for banishing Silent Coup to the conspiracy theory ghetto.
Pipe the Bimbo in Red: Dean Andrews, Jim Garrison and the Conspiracy to Kill JFK
Pipe the Bimbo in Red is about the connections between Dean Andrews, Clay Shaw, David Ferrie, Lee Oswald and others, and Jim Garrison’s search for the truth in JFK’s assassination.
Barry & the Boys, The CIA, The MOB and America's Secret History
Based on the author’s three-year-long investigation, this account exposes the story of lifelong CIA agent Barry Seal, the most successful drug smuggler in American history, who died in a hail of bullets with George Bush’s private phone number in his wallet. Revealing Seal’s active role in many of the nation’s most notorious scandalsincluding the Bay of Pigs, the Kennedy assassination, Watergate, and the Iran-Contra Affairand featuring primary documents previously unseen by the public, this unique history explores the Faustian bargains made by the U.S. government and the secret pasts of some of today’s politicians. 488 pages, Trade Paper, 6x9 Distribution Rights: WOR $24.95 (CAN $27.95) 9780970659101
Welcome to Terrorland: Mohammed Atta & the 9-11 Cover-up in Florida
Investigating the associations of Mohamed Atta and other terrorist pilots in Venice, Florida, as they prepared for the 9/11 attacks, this work discloses the FBI's massive post-attack cover-up to conceal their knowledge of the terrorists' activities. Unreported stories including the assassination attempt on President George W. Bush on the morning of September 11, 2001, and the rampant drug trafficking of the flight school financier are fully discussed, with attention to the stunning evidence of the CIA's knowledge that hundreds of Arab flight students were pouring into southwest Florida. This examination of the conspiracy behind the 9/11 investigation and the CIA complicity in the illegal activities that allowed the known terrorists to continue offers truth behind the "official" story of the attacks. 378 pages, Trade Paper, 6 x 9 Distribution Rights: WOR$24.95 (CAN $27.95) 9780975290675
The Big Fix - 2000 DVD
Who owns America's elections? Did Mobsters decide the fate of the election in Florida, in a contest that had nothing to do with counting hanging chad? Wile the nation's eyes were riveted on punch cards being held up to the light, charges a new documentary, Mob-controlled companies that count America's vote were slipping through the back door and stealing the election.
In Search of the American Drug Lords - The CIA & the Mob DVD
Could the assassinations and scandals that rocked America in the '60's and '70's have been perpetrated by the same people who caused the cocaine epidemic that swept this nation during the 1980's? A three year investigation into the life and times of one of the most famous CIA agents and successful drug smuggler’s in America’s history, Barry Seal.
Mohamed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus DVD
Welcome to Venice, Florida! Join investigative journalist Daniel Hopsicker as he probes the conspiracy in Florida that culminated in the 9-11 terrorist attack, revealing astonishing connections between the hijackers, the Venice flight schools, the Saudis, the CIA... and the Mob.
Masters of the Universe - The Secret Birth of the Federal Reserve DVD
Was there a takeover of the US by international bankers? Visit the scene of a crime so perfect that, for 30 years, no one knew it had even taken place. Join us as we investigate the birth of a criminal conspiracy to rob each and every bank vault in America. The true, behind the scenes, story of the birth of the US Federal Reserve.
Secret Heartbeat of America - The CIA & Drugs DVD
In August 1987, two Arkansas high school seniors were brutally murdered, their bodies dismembered by a speeding train. The evidence leads to a massive CIA drug and weapons smuggling operation, and raises stunning questions about CIA and US government involvement in drug and arms trafficking, world-wide.
Gangster Planet: Where "Being Connected" Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry
Gangster Planet, which is thoroughly researched and documented, yet written in a style that entertains while it informs. Much of the book provides historical analysis about how—as technology is constantly changing—crime not only persists unabated, but criminals upgrade their modernized techniques of doing business as well.It also shows how criminals involved in drug trafficking work hand-in-hand with more “professional” white-collar criminals who assist in laundering the proceeds of crime through public corporations throughout the world.An alternative subtitle could have been “The Transition of Organized Crime into Transnational Organized Crime”.
Conversations with David S. Lifton: Best Evidence to Final Charade
Mr. Lifton and I initially started talking per phone once a month or so around mid-2018, this due to the David Lifton Project, a video interview my students created back in February 2018 - the point being to share his all important research with the next generation of Americans, the youth of our nation; students sharing the importance of Mr. Lifton's work with other students. Though much of the student film covers the thesis of Best Evidence, midway into the film, Mr. Lifton discusses the seeds of Final Charade - which sprouted in March of 1980. Over the next few months, the frequency of our phone conversations grew to about once a week at its height. The origins of Conversations with David S. Lifton: 'Best Evidence' to 'Final Charade' stem from the fact that Mr. Lifton was aging, and I feared his some forty years (1980-2020) of post-Best Evidence research could be lost if he passed suddenly without anyone knowing how to access his research in his trusty but cryptic Apple MacBook Air. If so, Final Charade might never see the light of day. When discussing this with a fellow researcher, he told me emphatically, "Jim, you have to discuss this with him." As of this writing, I can only hope that the Estate of Mr. Lifton has access to his research in order to compose it and publish it. Frankly, this conversational and superficial approach will hardly make a dent in the width and depth of this man's forty some year quest to publish Final Charade. If published, Final Charade will be the final word on this topic. Mark my words. At this point, however, this work is better than nothing.
Houses of the Holy: A Nightmare Web of Hate, Crime, Corruption and Child Abuse
This is an unprecedented story of one man’s survival in his struggle against the power of the Federal Government, State Government, the extreme right, the religious right, the mob, and the cult of Freemasonry. It is extremely well documented and focuses on unholy alliances and the strangle hold religion and money have on politics and law enforcement. It exposes a legacy of hate and corruption in the religious right and Freemasonry. The colorful cast of often cartoonish characters is compelling and will shock and entertain the reader. It includes a federal convict engaged in a life of crime while local state and federal authorities run around in circles cleaning up after him, George W. Bush’s former attorney, the son of a mobster who was a known associate of Santo Trafficante Jr., the son of the racist doctor who chose the first astronauts, former Governor Rick Scott, the US Acting Assistant Attorney General and future Acting Attorney General, and parade of religious leaders willing to commit crimes to protect a monster, and many others.
The Plot to Kill President Kennedy in Chicago and the Other Traces of Conspiracy Leading to the Assassination of JFK: A Visual Investigation delves deep into one of the lesser-known yet critical elements of the Kennedy assassination—the attempted plot to kill the president in Chicago, just weeks before his tragic death in Dallas. This meticulously researched book by renowned author Vince Palamara unveils the layers of conspiracy and negligence, focusing on the overlooked narratives, including the key role of the Secret Service and FBI. Through riveting eyewitness accounts, declassified documents, and a visual exploration of the evidence, Palamara uncovers details about the men involved in the plot, the mistakes that allowed the Dallas assassination to proceed, and the broader implications of a conspiracy that transcended a single city. With interviews from former Secret Service agents and corroborated intelligence reports, this book rewrites the history of Kennedy’s assassination, revealing a continuous thread of danger that stretched from Chicago to Dealey Plaza. For anyone who wants to understand the full scope of what led to the darkest day in American history, this compelling investigation is a must-read. “You seem to know a lot about the Secret Service, maybe even more than I do.” — Former JFK/LBJ Secret Service Agent Joseph Paolella “I want you to know that I appreciate your determination to bring forth the truth concerning the Secret Service of the 60s.” — Former JFK/ Chicago office Secret Service Agent Abraham Bolden “I continue to be impressed with your interest in political affairs and the Kennedy assassination in particular.” — Former JFK/LBJ Secret Service Agent Lynn S. Meredith
Remember Me: How Letters From My Civil War Uncle Helped Me Confront My Childhood CIA attacker
This provides a firsthand account of how the United States’ top-secret programs can negatively impact a family and what it was like to fight on the frontline of the Civil War, while also helping those from all walks of life who endured childhood trauma, and survive.
Psychological DNA: A Cold Case Analysis of Who Killed Robert F. Kennedy
It has been more than fifty years since presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy, RFK, was murdered at the fashionable Ambassador Hotel in L.A. only five years after his brother John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. The alleged shooter who gunned down RFK, the man with an odd name, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, (Sirhan) a twenty-four-year old Palestinian was apprehended at the scene of the crime with the smoking gun still in his hand leading to the conclusion that this seemingly was an open and shut case, or was it? Subsequently, Sirhan was tried and convicted of first-degree murder though his appointed defense team stitched together a poorly formed, modified insanity defense complicated by many unforced errors made by attorneys and expert psychologists and internationally known psychiatrist, Dr. Bernard Diamond. In PSYCH DNA, Dr. Brady who was immersed in the case from the beginning using modern criminological methods and new psychological assessment tools not available five decades ago has reassessed Sirhan’s mental state arriving at five current mental conditions that, in his opinion, if presented at trial could have changed the jury’s verdict and spared Sirhan a trip to San Quentin’s death row. What follows is Dr. Brady chronicling an amazing journey into the darkest recesses of Sirhan’s unconscious, altered mind where homicidal thoughts had percolated for years. At long last, Sirhan’s criminal mystery wrapped in a psychological enigma is unraveled helping us understand the psychodynamics of a would-be assassin.
Manchurian Journalist: Lawrence Wright, the CIA, and the Corruption of American Journalism
The Manchurian Journalist documents for readers that their concerns about American journalism are justified. It shows that as the watchdog of democracy journalism has, since the Cold War, been compromised by influences unseen and unheard by the public in deciding what people read, hear and subsequently believe. This cultural cold war, led by a CIA and State Department-tied political strategy, involved major news outlets, magazine and book publishers, and worked through a network of unsigned intelligence ‘agents’ – and influential institutions, foundations and government agencies -- to propagandize the American public, challenge socialism and communism, and preserve an elite “Establishment.”
Two World Wars and Hitler: Who was Responsible?
Two World Wars and Hitler: Who Was Responsible? by Jim Macgregor and John O’Dowd takes readers on a deep dive into the murky waters of global politics, exposing the intricate web of money, foreign agents, and geopolitical schemes that shaped the events of the 20th century. This book challenges the accepted narratives surrounding the causes of the two world wars and Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, peeling back layers of propaganda to uncover hidden truths. The authors bring their medical and academic backgrounds to bear on a meticulously researched investigation, connecting dots that span continents and decades. From the clandestine dealings of financial elites to the machinations of intelligence operatives, the authors argue that the outcomes of these conflicts were anything but inevitable. They propose that powerful individuals and institutions actively manipulated the course of history, prioritizing profit and dominance over the welfare of nations and humanity. This provocative analysis reframes well-known events, offering evidence that reveals the deeper, often unsettling, forces at play in the global arena. Whether you are a history enthusiast, a student of geopolitics, or simply curious about the forces that shape our world, this book is an invitation to question what you thought you knew. Macgregor and O’Dowd’s exploration is both eye-opening and unsettling, calling readers to reconsider the narratives that have long dominated textbooks and media. Two World Wars and Hitler is a compelling read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the power structures that continue to influence our world today. Spring 2025
Last Resort Beyond Last Resort: The JFK Assassination, The Need to Protect West Berlin, and Why a Second Invasion of Cuba Never Happened
The John F. Kennedy assassination did not occur so the U.S. military could take over Cuba or initiate a global war with the Soviet Union. On the contrary, the conspirators killed JFK to prevent that from happening. The intent was to protect Europe from a potential Soviet invasion and to transfer the focus of America's military from Cuba to Southeast Asia, where the Pentagon was anxious to engage Communists militarily.Last Resort Beyond Last Resort is the first book to make this claim. The facts support this thesis and provide answers to questions that have confounded researchers for decades. It is an essential read for anyone searching for the truth behind the greatest crime of the 20th Century. It presents a fresh and rational explanation for why the conspirators had no alternative but to assassinate President Kennedy. For years, I believed that a domestic coup d'etat assassinated JFK to unleash a military that was chomping at the bit to flex its muscles against a Communist world that could not match America's firepower. Still, there was one thing I could never reconcile in my mind. Why, in the immediate aftermath of the assassination, didn't the United States say Lee Harvey Oswald was working on behalf of Castro and use that as justification to invade Cuba? Oswald had defected to the Soviet Union and was a vocal Castro supporter. A photograph taken of him in the spring of 1963 showed him dressed all in black, holding his rifle and copies of a Communist and Socialist newspaper. He was a member of the pro-Castro Fair Play for Cuba Committee, was arrested in New Orleans for a pro-Castro street demonstration, appeared in a radio debate supporting Castro, and allegedly tried to shoot right-wing General Edwin Walker. Two months before the assassination, he had tried to enter Cuba via Mexico City and, while there, met at the Soviet Embassy with Valery Kostikov, a KGB assassin. Two days after the JFK assassination, the CIA learned that Kostikov had also met with Rolando Cubela, a Cuban close to Castro. On the day of the assassination, Cubela was meeting with the CIA's Desmond Fitzgerald in Paris to discuss assassinating Castro. Meanwhile, a letter written by Oswald after he returned to Dallas referred to his meeting with Kostikov and that he had used a false identity while in Mexico. This alarmed many after it was learned that the Oswald killed in Dallas was 5’-9", while the Oswald who had defected to the Soviet Union years before was 5’-11". It was a frightening scenario, especially since on September 7th, 1963, Castro said that "United States leaders would be in danger if they helped in any attempt to do away with the leaders of Cuba…they themselves will not be safe." The U.S. military was primed and ready. All they needed was approval from the White House, and they would have responded with a shock and awe operation the world had not seen since the Korean War. Instead, nothing happened. The motivation behind the assassination began early in 1963 when Robert Kennedy was placed in charge of the Omega Plan/ AMWORLD operation to mount a second invasion of Cuba in December of that year that included left-wing Cuban exiles and the U.S. military. It was irresponsible and reckless to give the Attorney General such responsibility, and was the last straw for many who opposed the Kennedy brothers. Bobby was not qualified to head such an operation, and the fact that politics was the motivating factor behind it made it that much worse. It would eventually lead to a collaboration of right-wing leaders at the CIA, including Allen Dulles, James Angleton, William Harvey, Henry Hecksher, and Frank Wisner, ex-Nazi Otto Skorzeny and his Fascist group headquartered in Madrid, French OSS officers, intelligence operatives such as Jean Pierre Laffite, and a host of others to assassinate JFK and prevent AMWORLD from happening. At the center of it all was Lee Harvey Oswald, the designated patsy, whose right-wing political philosophy coincided with what these right-wing European Monarchists and their American supporters believed.
JFK Was Killed By Consensus: Dealey Plaza Was Just The Final Stop
Unveiling the shadowy depths of one of history's most controversial events, JFK Was Killed by Consensus: Dealey Plaza Was Just the Final Stop by Dr. David W. Mantik shatters the veil of the Warren Commission's conclusions. With forensic precision, Mantik dives into the web of alliances, deceptions, and betrayals that culminated in the tragic events of November 22, 1963. Explore the roles of key figures—Bill Harvey, David Morales, and Lyndon B. Johnson—and discover the chilling dynamics of the "consensus" that sealed President Kennedy's fate. This compelling investigation draws on decades of research, newly revealed documents, and the meticulous analysis of autopsy materials, offering insights that challenge the official narrative. With rich historical context, Mantik probes deeper into the intersecting forces of politics, intelligence, and power that orchestrated and concealed the truth. Whether you're a student of history, a seeker of justice, or a skeptic of official stories, this book promises revelations that demand attention. Prepare to question everything you thought you knew about Dealey Plaza—because the truth lies far beyond the crosshairs.
MyClients Were Spies
LATE 2025
Shadows & Light: The Murder of Robert F. Kennedy
Hopefully June 2025
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