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9 products

  • Royal Vengeance

    Royal Vengeance

    Was Princess Diana murdered? Yes, she was. That part is easily seen—even the means are known. She was gravely injured in a deliberate car wreck that immediately killed two other people, and she was then allowed to slowly bleed to death from internal injuries. But why? And to what end? She stirs up our passions even today—but she will never die. Not really. She has joined the Pantheon. Diana began life as we all do—but then, she revealed herself in her goddess form, and the world responded. And we still respond, even though she has returned to the place where there is no time, and even though we no longer see her moving amongst us. She was a bridge figure, both human and divine. We have met such figures before, through all the ages—gods and goddesses, saints and saviors—and their fate has always been the same. They have always been killed. But by whom? And to what purpose? Royal Vengeance answers all these questions and more.   This is a pre-Order. Book projected be ???? ...  


  • Wayang:	The Shadow Play

    Wayang: The Shadow Play

    Wayang: The Shadow Play is a book about an unintentional discovery of MKUltra and SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) programming running in the author's family. The book begins with an outline of her childhood, because much of the research involved remembering the strange and unexplainable things that happened in her life. The investigative journey begins after she has lost it all, this was when she chose to learn why her life was seemingly jinxed instead of giving up on life entirely. At the time she had no idea what an amazing journey was about to unfold. She threw up allover the bed. She was thrown into a mental institution and drugged against her Will. She was abducted! She didn't think she would survive and prepared for her demise. And just as she was knocking at Death's Door, found her long lost ancestors who were the only ones able to help her. Learning about her ancestors was only one of the pieces needed to piece the puzzle of Anna's life together. The book continues with heavily quoted references and research into Psychopathy, Mental Illness, Satanism and Christianity and includes a condensed narrarive of her father's book Tjideng Reunion, a memoir of his experience in the WW2 Java concentration camp for women and children. The book ends with a cross examination of the research with the author's ancestral tree, and includes hand drawn renderings of related family crests, which raises fresh and interesting questions about the images these crests have been endowed with, in light of the research. I recommend this book to anyone that is interested in trauma survival, social engineering, mental illness, MKUltra, WW2 or those who are researching these things and have genuine concern for the disturbing events unfolding around us today.




  • Gangster Planet: 	Where "Being Connected" Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry

    Gangster Planet: Where "Being Connected" Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry

    Gangster Planet, which is thoroughly researched and documented, yet written in a style that entertains while it informs. Much of the book provides historical analysis about how—as technology is constantly changing—crime not only persists unabated, but criminals upgrade their modernized techniques of doing business as well.It also shows how criminals involved in drug trafficking work hand-in-hand with more “professional” white-collar criminals who assist in laundering the proceeds of crime through public corporations throughout the world.An alternative subtitle could have been “The Transition of Organized Crime into Transnational Organized Crime”.


  • Conversations with David S. Lifton: 	Best Evidence to Final Charade

    Conversations with David S. Lifton: Best Evidence to Final Charade

    Mr. Lifton and I initially started talking per phone once a month or so around mid-2018, this due to the David Lifton Project, a video interview my students created back in February 2018 - the point being to share his all important research with the next generation of Americans, the youth of our nation; students sharing the importance of Mr. Lifton's work with other students. Though much of the student film covers the thesis of Best Evidence, midway into the film, Mr. Lifton discusses the seeds of Final Charade - which sprouted in March of 1980. Over the next few months, the frequency of our phone conversations grew to about once a week at its height. The origins of Conversations with David S. Lifton: 'Best Evidence' to 'Final Charade' stem from the fact that Mr. Lifton was aging, and I feared his some forty years (1980-2020) of post-Best Evidence research could be lost if he passed suddenly without anyone knowing how to access his research in his trusty but cryptic Apple MacBook Air. If so, Final Charade might never see the light of day. When discussing this with a fellow researcher, he told me emphatically, "Jim, you have to discuss this with him." As of this writing, I can only hope that the Estate of Mr. Lifton has access to his research in order to compose it and publish it. Frankly, this conversational and superficial approach will hardly make a dent in the width and depth of this man's forty some year quest to publish Final Charade. If published, Final Charade will be the final word on this topic. Mark my words. At this point, however, this work is better than nothing.


  • Houses of the Holy: A Nightmare Web of Hate, Crime, Corruption and Child Abuse

    Houses of the Holy: A Nightmare Web of Hate, Crime, Corruption and Child Abuse

    This is an unprecedented story of one man’s survival in his struggle against the power of the Federal Government, State Government, the extreme right, the religious right, the mob, and the cult of Freemasonry. It is extremely well documented and focuses on unholy alliances and the strangle hold religion and money have on politics and law enforcement. It exposes a legacy of hate and corruption in the religious right and Freemasonry. The colorful cast of often cartoonish characters is compelling and will shock and entertain the reader. It includes a federal convict engaged in a life of crime while local state and federal authorities run around in circles cleaning up after him, George W. Bush’s former attorney, the son of a mobster who was a known associate of Santo Trafficante Jr., the son of the racist doctor who chose the first astronauts, former Governor Rick Scott, the US Acting Assistant Attorney General and future Acting Attorney General, and parade of religious leaders willing to commit crimes to protect a monster, and many others.


  • Remember Me: How Letters From My Civil War Uncle Helped Me Confront My Childhood CIA attacker

    Remember Me: How Letters From My Civil War Uncle Helped Me Confront My Childhood CIA attacker

    This provides a firsthand account of how the United States’ top-secret programs can negatively impact a family and what it was like to fight on the frontline of the Civil War, while also helping those from all walks of life who endured childhood trauma, and survive.


  • Privileged View
  • The Wizard of Ozwald: What we know now that we didn't know then

    The Wizard of Ozwald: What we know now that we didn't know then

    In Wizard, readers will follow a puppet not only down a road full of intelligence related intrigue but, more importantly, they will move vertically up the strings where they will come face to face with the puppeteer. By presenting documentary records, mining the research of other reliable authors, and linking chronologies, persons of interest, revealing suspicious behaviors and analyzing critically, Hill presents both a flow chart and part of an organizational structure that led to what happened in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963.


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