JFK Assassination and related Studies

33 products

  • The Valediction: Three Nights of Desmond

    The Valediction: Three Nights of Desmond

    Afghanistan was an American crusade to win the cold war against the “Evil Soviet Empire” and remake the world in its own image. Our telling goes right to the heart of understanding what really happened to America with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Instead of fulfilling the Western Dream, the US trapped itself in its own nightmare of endless war. Now Americans long for a spiritual regeneration towards peace. No one seems able to make the process move in the right direction. Over four decades we assimilated an understanding of how to envision moving from war as an honorable sacrifice to peace that serves all. Our two-part novelized memoir delivers a revelatory look at how we came to that awareness throughworldly and otherworldly encounters with many fascinating people along the way.                   -The Valediction: Three Nights of Desmond Book 1 combines Three Days of the Condor and JFK as journalist Paul Fitzgerald unravels the deep state mystery behind the unsolved 1979 assassination of U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan Adolph Dubs. Dubs’ death changed the world as much as JFK’s but few even know his name. In a serendipitous encounter at the Kabul Hotel during his investigation, Paul meets a mysterious ally who not only helps him solve the Dubs’ murder, he challenges Paul’s assumptions about why he was drawn to Afghanistan in the first place and what to do about it.  


  • JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick

    JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick

    Have you found yourself thinking that something just does not add up ? But you can't figure out exactly what? Do you fear that somehow the West is now losing it's freedom, but you can't quite put your finger on why? Then you need to read this Book.... "JFK to 911 is already a global phenomenon, having began life as a Youtube video which achieved over a Billion hits by becoming the first Documentary in human history to untangle all the Establishment lies and reveal the entire truth about the Kennedy Assassination and 911. These disclosures so frightened the powers-that-be that President Trump and the Queen of England took the joint decision to ban it altogether, so that if you read this Book you will be learning the most cardinal secrets which your government would much rather you did not know. Nearly all intelligent people these days are wary of what we are being told by the mainstream media, but fewer are aware that the very notion of 'Fake News' began with the words on these pages, and that all government policy in recent times has been an ongoing effort to hold back the increasing enlightenment these words have inspired. Legions of people have taken the trouble to go online so that they could tell the world about how learning that absolutely everything is a rich man's trick - the Justice system, the Education system, the Economic system and most importantly the Media, became "a moment of epiphany" in their life; so much so that many have found themselves trying to explain to their fellow citizens "You only THINK you know what reality is - you don't." Francis Richard Conolly is now extremely hopeful that these sorts of people, who have made a movie which he originally gave them for free such a central part of their existence, will now buy this Book in order to build the revenues which he needs to make the sequel which everyone wants to see.


  • The Other Oswald

    The Other Oswald

    This book is the story of two men who began an odyssey together that became a thread, which when unraveled, reveals how Cold War paranoia escalated into the death of a president. Robert Edward Webster and Lee Harvey Oswald were manipulated like marionettes on strings of espionage. Unraveling these strings (or threads) may lead us to the puppeteers controlling them. Were these "controllers" orchestrating a series of events that would lead to JFK's assassination?


  • Lee Harvey Oswald, Lyndon Johnson & the JFK Assassination

    Lee Harvey Oswald, Lyndon Johnson & the JFK Assassination

    By John Delane Williams PhD Proposing that established conceptions of Oswald are false and offering an alternate characterization Incorporating the work of Ernst Titovets, this book explores the life of Lee Harvey Oswald, painting him as a real person—not as the straw man concocted to match the image of a lone assassin in search of greatness or infamy. Among other facets of his life and personality, the text explores Lee Harvey Oswald's relationships with Jack Ruby, David Ferrie, and Judyth Baker. John Delane Williams earned a Ph.D in Statistics and a Ph.D in Clinical Psychology. He is an Emeritus Professor at the University of North Dakota and also was a psychologist with North Star Psychological Services in East Grand Forks, Minnesota. He and his wife now live in southwest Washington.  HISTORY336 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, MOBIPOCKET, EPUBTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $33.95) PUBLICATION DATE: NOVEMBER 2019ISBN 9781634242684RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (NOV 2019)


  • Burying the Lead  The Media and the JFK Assassination

    Burying the Lead The Media and the JFK Assassination

    An updated review of the case's facts and novel analysis of the way elite power works with the media during times of crisis The Cold War ushered in a time of secrecy—and willing media cooperation to keep those secrets. But even after winning that war, the vault of secrets remains firmly locked, especially surrounding John F. Kennedy's murder. Even for those who fundamentally oppose the current presidential administration, notions of a national security state and "fake news" must be examined to maintain a functional democracy. This book explains the rapid decline in confidence in government that started after the assassination of JFK. The mainstream media failed to go beyond repeating the official story, and by 1991 they, along with academe and the government, had stopped investigating altogether.It was filmmaker Oliver Stone whose film fueled public outrage and led to the JFK Act to declassify all of the remaining documents. Almost four million pages of documents were then released—that even Congress had not yet seen. The JFK Act stated that all files must be released by October 2017, yet thousands are still withheld on the grounds of national security. This volume examines the tight alliances that have allowed this cover-up for more than 50 years.President Kennedy declared in October 1963 that "men who create power make an indispensable contribution to a nation's greatness, but the men who question power make a contribution just as indispensable, especially when they are disinterested, for they determine whether we use power or power uses us." SOCIAL SCIENCE576 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $33.95)PUBLICATION DATE: FEBRUARY 2019ISBN 9781634241878RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (FEB 2019)


  • The Inheritance

    The Inheritance

    How one man's custody of Bobby Kennedy's hidden evidence changed our past and continues to shape our future Christopher Fulton's journey began with the death of Evelyn Lincoln, late secretary to President John F. Kennedy. Through Lincoln, crucial evidence ended up in Christopher's hands—evidence that was going to be used to facilitate a new future for America. But the U.S. government's position was clear: that evidence had to be confiscated and classified, and the truth hidden away from the public. Christopher was sent to federal prison for years under a sealed warrant and indictment. The Inheritance, Christopher's personal narrative, shares insider information from his encounters with the Russian Government, President Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump, the Clinton White House, the U.S. Justice Department, the Secret Service, and the Kennedy family themselves. It reveals the true intentions of Evelyn Lincoln and her secret promise to Robert Kennedy—and Christopher's secret promise to John F. Kennedy Jr. The Inheritance explodes with history-changing information and answers the questions Americans are still asking, while pulling them through a gauntlet of some of the worst prisons this country has to offer. This book thrillingly exposes the reality of American power, and sheds light on the dark corners of current corruption within the executive branch and the justice and prison systems. At the height of his success in commercial construction in Canada, Christopher Fulton was extradited and sent to U.S. federal prison for his possession of physical evidence in JFK's assassination. He currently resides in California. Michelle Fulton was born in Vancouver, Canada. She earned her Bachelor of Music Degree from the University of British Columbia. She resides in California with her husband, their two children, and their rescue dogs. HISTORY528 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (CA $33.95) (US $24.95)PUBLICATION DATE: NOVEMBER 2018ISBN 9781634242172RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (NOV 2018)


  • At The Cold Shoulder of History

    At The Cold Shoulder of History

    As the 54th anniversary of JFK's assassination draws near, readers of this firsthand account from the morgue at Bethesda Naval Hospital will question the government's official story At the Cold Shoulder of History gives an in-depth look at what happened in the aftermath of President John F. Kennedy's assassination. One of the only living participants in President Kennedy's autopsy now comes forward after almost 54 years of silence and speaks about what truly took place inside of the morgue at Bethesda Naval Hospital on the night of November 22, 1963. Jenkins gives a detailed account about the procedures performed on the President's remains. What he learned that night led him to believe there was a conspiracy in the murder of the 35th President of the United States and caused him to undertake his own personal journey into the labyrinth of the assassination. SOCIAL SCIENCE216 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, EPUB, MOBIPOCKETTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $33.95)PUBLICATION DATE: NOVEMBER 2018ISBN 9781634242110RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (NOV 2018)


  • Being There  Eye Witness To History

    Being There Eye Witness To History

    Douglas Caddy was the attorney for E. Howard Hunt, one of the key persons involved in both the JFK assassination and Watergate. Being There: Eye Witness to History is his autobiographical account of these events by accidentally being in the right place at the right time or the wrong place at the wrong time. Episodes include being with Lee Harvey Oswald and Guy Banister in New Orleans, investigating the founding of the modern conservative movement and where it went wrong, looking inside the JFK assassination and the Watergate Conspiracy, uncovering JFK's secret son and why he came to fear for his life, analyzing LBJ's murder victims and his rise to the presidency, interpreting the Moody Foundation Scandal, Russia's involvement in Trump's election, and more. SOCIAL SCIENCE248 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $33.95)PUBLICATION DATE: MAY 2018ISBN 9781634241144RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (MAY 2018))


  • See No Evil  The JFK Assassination and the U.S. Media

    See No Evil The JFK Assassination and the U.S. Media

    An examination of new theories and media engagement with JFK's assassination. After more than fifty years of new evidence and new theories, the Warren Commission's claim that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone and without clear motive in assassinating John F. Kennedy, has become a wheezing jalopy running on missing and broken parts and fueled with lies. And yet the U.S. media continue to support its findings as the only "factual" explanation for the murder of JFK. Why does the media marginalize and even ridicule more plausible conspiracy theories when the majority of American people long ago wrote off the Warren Report as a cover-up? See No Evil analyzes the built-in biases of the U.S. corporate media, exposes its complicity in the whitewashing, and advocates for the broadest possible investigation into the key players who may have been responsible for the Crime of the Twentieth Century, including the CIA, Organized Crime, and Israel. This book is meant for readers who seek the truth no matter where it leads. HISTORY192 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $26.95)PUBLICATION DATE: APRIL 2018ISBN 9781634241625RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (APR 2018)


  • Kennedy and Oswald  The Big Picture

    Kennedy and Oswald The Big Picture

    Unraveling the many strands of hidden history behind the assassination of President Kennedy is not an easy task. Co-authors Baker and Schwartz guide us toward the conclusion that ultimately, the motivation was total governmental control, a coup d'état, changing us from a democratic republic to a oligopoly – a corporatocracy. With help from new witnesses regarding the "Crime of the Century," we are led to the realization that the "War of Terror" and the Patriot Act were predesigned to undermine our US Constitution and our Bill of Rights. The very moment Kennedy died our own government turned against "We the People." Baker and Schwartz provide a compelling narrative showing Oswald's innocence and a condemnation of the conspirators who planned and carried out the assassination of our 35th president and our Republic. HISTORY432 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $29.95)PUBLICATION DATE: AUGUST 2017ISBN 9781634240963RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (AUG 2017)


  • The Three Barons  The Organizational Chart of the JFK assassination

    The Three Barons The Organizational Chart of the JFK assassination

    The Three Barons proves that it is possible (with enough research), to reconstruct the organizational chart of the JFK plot. This book provides the first useful, in-depth analysis of the 120 phone calls by LBJ in the week following the assassination regarding such items as the Civil Rights Act, demands made by the military and similar political power plays. The Three Barons presents the first use of statistical factor analysis to identify the plotters, using a database of 30 books and 1500 names and examines the military officers allegedly close to the plot, such as NATO Commander Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer, General Lauris Norstad, and JFK's advisor, Gen. Maxwell Taylor. For the first time, the National Security Council, its structure and its members, are scrutinized for their obvious role in the JFK plot. More specifically, The Three Barons explains the role of Treasury Secretary C. Douglas Dillon and his father, investment banker Clarence Dillon, who likely had fascist sympathies. This book identifies, for the first time, why there were three actual barons involved in the plot and why at least three members of the Warren Commission had powerful Nazi connections, beginning in WWII and continuing through November 22, 1963. SOCIAL SCIENCE384 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, EPUB, MOBIPOCKETTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $33.95)PUBLICATION DATE: DECEMBER 2017ISBN 9781634241427RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (DEC 2017)


  • Betrayal A JFK Honor Guard Speaks

    Betrayal A JFK Honor Guard Speaks

    Betrayal A JFK Honor Guard Speaks By Hugh Clark with William Matson Law The amazing story that William Law has documented with his historical interviews helps us to understanding our true history. This compelling information shreds the official narrative.In 2015, Law and fellow researcher Phil Singer got together the medical corpsman, who had been present at Bethesda Naval Hospital for President Kennedy's autopsy with some of the official honor guard, who had delivered the president's coffin. What happened next was extraordinary. The medical corpsmen told the honor guards that they had actually received the president's body almost a half-hour before the honor guard got there. The honor guard couldn't believe this. They had met the president's plane at Andrews, taken possession of his casket and shadowed it all the way to Bethesda. The two sides almost broke into fisticuffs, accusing the other of untruths. Once it was sifted out, and both sides came to the understanding that each was telling their own truths of their experience that fateful day, the feelings of betrayal experienced by the honor guards was deep and profound. This is dynamic first person testimony. Hugh Clark was a member of the honor guard that took President Kennedy’s body to Arlington Cemetery for burial. He was an investigator for the United Nations. After Hugh left the service he became a New York City detective and held that position for 22 years.   William Matson Law has been researching the Kennedy assassination for over 25 years. Results of that research have appeared in more than 30 books, including Douglas Horne’s magnum opus Inside the Assassination Records Review Board.Law is the producer of the the award-winning documentaryRFK, writer, director/producer of the film The Gathering, served as consultant to director Brian McKenna for his theatrical filmKilling Kennedy, and worked extensively with bestselling author Matthew Smith’s upcoming book about the death of Marilyn Monroe, MARILYN: Murder by Political Entanglement Or How Murder became Suicide in the Three Missing Hours. Law is the author of In the Eye of History and is working on a book about the murder of Robert F. Kennedy with the working title:Shadows and Light. He lives with his family in Central Oregon. HISTORY144 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERPUBLICATION DATE: NOVEMBER 2016RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (NOV 2016)


  • In the Eye of History

    In the Eye of History

    Disclosures in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence By William Matson Law An oral history of the JFK autopsy Anyone interested in the greatest mystery of the 20th century will benefit from the historic perspective of the attendees of President Kennedy's autopsy. For the first time in their own words these witnesses to history give firsthand accounts of what took place in the autopsy morgue at Bethesda, Maryland, on the night on November 22, 1963. Author William Matson Law set out on a personal quest to reach an understanding of the circumstances underpinning the assassination of John F. Kennedy. His investigation led him to the autopsy on the president's body at the National Naval Medical Center. In the Eye of History comprises conversations with eight individuals who agreed to talk: Dennis David, Paul O'Connor, James Jenkins, Jerrol Custer, Harold Rydberg, Saundra Spencer, and ex-FBI Special Agents James Sibert and Frances O'Neill. These eyewitnesses relate their stories comprehensively, and Law allows them to tell it as they remember it without attempting to fit any pro- or anticonspiracy agenda. The book also features a DVD featuring these firsthand interviews. William Matson Law has written for the research periodicals the Kennedy Assassination Chronicles and the Dealey Plaza Echo, is producer of the forthcoming film The Gathering, and currently serves as a consultant to film director Brian McKenna for his upcoming documentary Killing Kennedy. He lives in central Oregon. HISTORY520 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER & DVDTRADE PAPER & DVD, $29.95 (US $29.95) (CA $35.95)PUBLICATION DATE: NOVEMBER 2015ISBN 9781634240468RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (NOV 2015)


  • JFK From Parkland to Bethesda

    JFK From Parkland to Bethesda

    An all-in-one resource containing more than 15 years of research on the JFK assassination A map through the jungle of statements, testimony, allegations, and theories relating to the assassination of John F. Kennedy, this compendium gives readers an all-in-one resource for facts from this intriguing slice of history. The book, which took more than 15 years to research and write, includes details on all of the most important aspects of the case, including old and new medical evidence from primary and secondary sources.JFK: From Parkland to Bethesda tackles the hard evidence of conspiracy and cover-up and presents a mass of sources and materials, making it an invaluable reference for anyone with interest in the President Kennedy and his assassination in 1963. HISTORY188 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $23.95)PUBLICATION DATE: NOVEMBER 2015ISBN 9781634240277RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (NOV 2015)


  • David Ferrie

    David Ferrie

    Mafia Pilot, Participant in Anti-Castro Bioweapon Plot, Friend of Lee Harvey Oswald and Key to the JFK Assassination By Judyth Vary Baker One of the more eccentric characters linked to the JFK assassination Of the all the people surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy, few are more mysterious and enigmatic than David William Ferrie of New Orleans. Author Judyth Vary Baker knew David Ferrie personally and worked with him in a covert project in New Orleans during the summer of 1963, and this book examines his strange and puzzling behavior both before and after the assassination. At the time of the assassination, Ferrie was a 45-year-old New Orleans resident who was acquainted with some of the most notorious names linked to the assassination: Lee Oswald, Clay Shaw, Guy Banister, Jack Ruby, and Carlos Marcello. He possessed assorted talents and eccentricities: he was at one time a senior pilot with Eastern Airlines until he was fired for homosexual activity on the job; he was also a hypnotist; a serious researcher of the origins of cancer; an amateur psychologist; and a victim of a strange disease, alopecia, which made all of his body void of hair. His odd lifestyle was embellished with an equally bizarre appearance featuring a red toupee and false eyebrows. This is the first book focused solely on David Ferrie and his alleged involvement in the conspiracy to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. More information at Dave-Ferrie.com Judyth Vary Baker is an artist, writer, and poet who first became known as a young prodigy in cancer research, then, later, for her assertion that while conducting cancer research in New Orleans in the summer of 1963, she had a love affair with Lee Harvey Oswald. She is the author of Me & Lee: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald. She lives in Europe. Jesse Ventura is a former professional wrestler who served as governor of Minnesota from 1999 to 2003. He lives in Dellwood, Minnesota, and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY488 PAGES, 6 X 8.5FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $26.95)PUBLICATION DATE: OCTOBER 2014ISBN 9781937584542RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY


  • Dr. Mary's Monkey

    Dr. Mary's Monkey

    How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor, a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses Are Linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK Assassination and Emerging Global Epidemics By Edward T Haslam, Foreword by Jim Marrs   The 1964 murder of a nationally known cancer researcher sets the stage for this gripping exposé of medical professionals enmeshed in covert government operations over the course of three decades. Following a trail of police records, FBI files, cancer statistics, and medical journals, this revealing book presents evidence of a web of medical secret-keeping that began with the handling of evidence in the JFK assassination and continued apace, sweeping doctors into cover-ups of cancer outbreaks, contaminated polio vaccine, the arrival of the AIDS virus, and biological weapon research using infected monkeys.   Edward T. Haslam was raised in New Orleans and is a graduate of Tulane University. His advertising career took him to Detroit where he managed advertising for some of America's largest corporations. His website is:DoctorMarysMonkey.com. The Foreword is by Jim Marrs, author of Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy, a book used by Oliver Stone in the making of his JFK movie. He is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists and Investigative Reporters & Editors and is a former president of the Press Club of Fort Worth. Category: History, MedicalPages: 375Book Type: PaperSize: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2ISBN: 0977795306


  • LBJ and the Kennedy Killing

    LBJ and the Kennedy Killing

    This is unlike any other book about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The author, James Tague, was there and he was wounded by the debris from a missed shot on that fateful day. He stood up to our Government when the Warren Commission was about to ignore what really happened and spoke to the true facts. James Tague’s testimony changed history and the “magic bullet” was born in an effort by the Warren Commission to wrongly explain all the wounds to President Kennedy and Governor Connally, and to try and convince the public that Lee Harvey Oswald was the “lone nut assassin.” Tague, a long time Dallas area resident, initially believed the Warren Report, but time, diligent research and amazing revelations told to him by prominent Texans has given James Tague an inside look at what really happened. Be prepared to learn new facts, never before published, about one of our nation’s darkest moments. SOCIAL SCIENCE448 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER$29.95 (CA $32.95)PUBLICATION DATE: OCTOBER 2013ISBN 9781937584740RIGHTS: WOR  


  • A Rose by Many Other Names  Rose Cherami & the JFK Assassination

    A Rose by Many Other Names Rose Cherami & the JFK Assassination

    A look into the "birthplace" of the JFK conspiracy Shifting the focus away from the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, to 48 hours prior in Eunice, Louisiana, this book explores the prediction made by Melba Marcades, aka Rose Cherami, that the president would be assassinated on Friday, November 22, 1963 in Dallas. Discounting clairvoyance, the book investigates the possibility that Rose had inside information about the assassination. However, Rose Cherami was not a credible witness: she was a prostitute, a one-time performer in Jack Ruby's Carousel Club, an admitted drug trafficker, a drug addict, and a car thief. But the author’s research reveals glaring omissions in her FBI files, questionable admissions regarding her criminal history, and the dubious details of her untimely demise. This book sheds new light on a relatively unknown footnote of the JFK conspiracy theory. HISTORY98 Pages, 5.5 x 8.5Formats: Trade PaperTrade Paper, $12.95 (US $12.95) (CA $13.95)Publication Date: September 2013ISBN 9781937584634Rights: WORTrine Day (Sep 2013)


  • A Secret Order

    A Secret Order

    Provacative new theories that uncover coincidences, connections, and unexplained details of the JFK assassination Reporting new and never-before-published information about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, this investigation dives straight into the deep end, and seeks to prove the CIA’s involvement in one of the most controversial topics in American history. Featuring intelligence gathered from CIA agents who reported their involvement in the assassination, the case is broken wide open while covering unexplored ground. Gritty details about the assassination are interlaced throughout, while primary and secondary players to the murder are revealed in the in-depth analysis. Although a tremendous amount has been written in the nearly five decades since the assassination, there has never been, until now, a publication to explore the aspects of the case that seemed to defy explanation or logic. HISTORY288 Pages, 6 x 9Formats: Trade PaperTrade Paper, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $21.95)Publication Date: April 2013ISBN 9781936296552Rights: WORTrine Day (Apr 2013)


  • From an Office Building with a High-Powered Rifle

    From an Office Building with a High-Powered Rifle

    An insider's look at the mysteries behind the death of President Kennedy The personal and professional story of a former FBI agent, this is the journey Don Adams has taken over the past 50 years that has connected him to the assassination of the 35th president of the United States. On November 13, 1963, Adams was given a priority assignment to investigate Joseph Milteer, a man who had made threats to assassinate the president. Two weeks later John F. Kennedy was dead, and Agent Adams was instructed to locate and question Milteer. Adams, however, was only allowed to ask the suspect five specific questions before being told to release him. He was puzzled by the bizarre orders but thought nothing more of it until years later when he read a report that stated that not only had Joseph Milteer made threats against the president, but also that he claimed Kennedy would be killed from an office building with a high-powered rifle. Since that time, Adams has compiled evidence and research from every avenue available to him, including his experiences in Georgia and Dallas FBI offices, to produce this compelling investigation that may just raise more questions than answers. HISTORY336 PAGES, 5.5 X 8.5FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $26.95)ISBN 9781936296866RIGHTS: WOR  


  • Me & Lee,  How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald

    Me & Lee, How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald

    Judyth Vary was once a promising science student who dreamed of finding a cure for cancer; this exposé is her account of how she strayed from a path of mainstream scholarship at the University of Florida to a life of espionage in New Orleans with Lee Harvey Oswald. In her narrative she offers extensive documentation on how she came to be a cancer expert at such a young age, the personalities who urged her to relocate to New Orleans, and what lead to her involvement in the development of a biological weapon that Oswald was to smuggle into Cuba to eliminate Fidel Castro. Details on what she knew of Kennedy’s impending assassination, her conversations with Oswald as late as two days before the killing, and her belief that Oswald was a deep-cover intelligence agent who was framed for an assassination he was actually trying to prevent, are also revealed.Judyth Vary Baker is a former secretary, teacher, and artist. More info at MeAndLee.com Full 624-page mini-preview: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY 624 PAGES, 6 X 9 FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, CLOTH, EPUB, KINDLE CLOTH, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $27.95) ISBN 9780979988677 RIGHTS: WOR


  • A Certain Arrogance

    A Certain Arrogance

    Providing the first global cultural context for the assassination of John F. Kennedy, this investigation into how United States intelligence agencies and other entities manipulated liberal religious groups and educational institutions for ideological, political, and economic gain during the Cold War exposes numerous previously misunderstood political operations. Including assassinations, these projects include those facilitated by Allen Dulles, John Foster Dulles, the U.S. State Department, the Office of Strategic Services and its successor, the CIA, and other individuals and groups. Focusing on the manipulations of key individuals in the American Unitarian Association, the Unitarian Service Committee, and the Unitarian-supported Albert Schweitzer College by covert American interests during the Cold War, this exposé asserts that an unwitting Lee Harvey Oswald—an asset and pawn of American intelligence—was the ideal scapegoat in a tragically successful conspiracy to murder President Kennedy. History, Political Science384 pages, Trade Paper, 6 x 9Distribution Rights: WOR$24.95 (CAN $27.95)9780984185849 (0984185844)


  • Hidden In Plain Sight: How the House Select Committee on Assassinations played games with the evidence in the execution of President John F. Kennedy

    Hidden In Plain Sight: How the House Select Committee on Assassinations played games with the evidence in the execution of President John F. Kennedy

    Catalog Description: Hidden In Plain Sight is a work that is almost twenty-five years in the making. The goal was to construct a guide for the fifty-two witnesses that testified publicly before the House Select Committee on Assassinations.But it doesn’t stop there.Through analyzation of witness testimony at the original hearings, and comparing statements given before and after HSCA testimony, author Tim Smith has brought the evidence into the year 2022.Based on fact, testimony, and independent inquiry, Hidden In Plain Sight is a refreshing take on the HSCA and the Kennedy Assassination.“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever is left, however improbable, has to be the truth.” – Sherlock HolmesDespite the hundreds of books that have been written on the Kennedy Assassination, it is the only one to address the HSCA public testimony. This is important, because at the time, we had the Warren Commission testimony, The Clark Panel, The Garrison Trial, The Church Committee, etc, so the HSCA was the current evaluation of the case at that time in 1978. The HSCA is the next wave of evidence to analyze the Kennedy assassination, so this book kind of resurrects a lot of names and data from th Online Description: Hidden In Plain Sight is a work that is almost twenty-five years in the making. The goal was to construct a guide for the fifty-two witnesses that testified publicly before the House Select Committee on Assassinations.But it doesn’t stop there.Through analyzation of witness testimony at the original hearings, and comparing statements given before and after HSCA testimony, author Tim Smith has brought the evidence into the year 2022.Based on fact, testimony, and independent inquiry, Hidden In Plain Sight is a refreshing take on the HSCA and the Kennedy Assassination.“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever is left, however improbable, has to be the truth.” – Sherlock HolmesDespite the hundreds of books that have been written on the Kennedy Assassination, it is the only one to address the HSCA public testimony. This is important, because at the time, we had the Warren Commission testimony, The Clark Panel, The Garrison Trial, The Church Committee, etc, so the HSCA was the current evaluation of the case at that time in 1978. The HSCA is the next wave of evidence to analyze the Kennedy assassination, so this book kind of resurrects a lot of names and data from that time period, but as I’ve said, if that is all it does, it becomes one of the many dinosaurs in this case. But it isn’t, because the updating of that evidence, often juxtaposed with the evidence in 1978, gives it a fresh and current approach that is much needed in this case.People will learn a lot from the book, and while the book is not overly dogmatic, it respects the reader to draw their own conclusions. Let the evidence take them where it will and if they do, there is a payoff in the end that was there all along, hidden in plain sight.


  • Mad Bishops: The Hunt for Earl Anglin James and His Assassin Brethren

    Mad Bishops: The Hunt for Earl Anglin James and His Assassin Brethren

    How did a peddler of phony degrees who claimed to be a world famous bishop build a network of contacts that led to the assassinations of JFK, MLK, and RFK? Beyond that central question, what does this foray into the bizarre and esoteric say about our current state of religion and democracy? Through the life and world of Earl Anglin James, we explore the deep inner workings of religion and intelligence, revealing connections and relationships that were established long before Dallas, 1963, and have defined our destiny as a nation.


  • Pipe the Bimbo in Red: Dean Andrews, Jim Garrison and the Conspiracy to Kill JFK

    Pipe the Bimbo in Red: Dean Andrews, Jim Garrison and the Conspiracy to Kill JFK

    Pipe the Bimbo in Red is about the connections between Dean Andrews, Clay Shaw, David Ferrie, Lee Oswald and others, and Jim Garrison’s search for the truth in JFK’s assassination.




  • Barry & the Boys, The CIA, The MOB and America's Secret History

    Barry & the Boys, The CIA, The MOB and America's Secret History

    Based on the author’s three-year-long investigation, this account exposes the story of lifelong CIA agent Barry Seal, the most successful drug smuggler in American history, who died in a hail of bullets with George Bush’s private phone number in his wallet. Revealing Seal’s active role in many of the nation’s most notorious scandals—including the Bay of Pigs, the Kennedy assassination, Watergate, and the Iran-Contra Affair—and featuring primary documents previously unseen by the public, this unique history explores the Faustian bargains made by the U.S. government and the secret pasts of some of today’s politicians.   488 pages, Trade Paper, 6x9 Distribution Rights: WOR $24.95 (CAN $27.95) 9780970659101


  • Sherlock Being Catfished (softcover)

    Sherlock Being Catfished (softcover)

    Sherlock Being Catfished is a memoir of a self-induced hypnosis, brilliantly choreographing a pas-de-deux with an internet “catfish” and allowing us to see a sensitive, lonely woman succumb to a devilish entrapment helplessly yet altogether knowingly. The story conveys a thrilling level of consciousness, overwhelmed yet in full knowledge of what is happening and even why, enabling Mellen author to speak in a manner that transcends her personal experience, to the universal vulnerability of the human heart. As the scam unfolds, she makes connections between present and past - the work she has done and people she has encountered over her decades of research, investigations and writing. Sherlock Being Catfished is an undeniably unique and penetrating look at the world of internet dating, and how anyone, regardless of their prolific life’s work and accomplishments, can fall victim to a romance scammer.


  • Conversations with David S. Lifton: 	Best Evidence to Final Charade

    Conversations with David S. Lifton: Best Evidence to Final Charade

    Mr. Lifton and I initially started talking per phone once a month or so around mid-2018, this due to the David Lifton Project, a video interview my students created back in February 2018 - the point being to share his all important research with the next generation of Americans, the youth of our nation; students sharing the importance of Mr. Lifton's work with other students. Though much of the student film covers the thesis of Best Evidence, midway into the film, Mr. Lifton discusses the seeds of Final Charade - which sprouted in March of 1980. Over the next few months, the frequency of our phone conversations grew to about once a week at its height. The origins of Conversations with David S. Lifton: 'Best Evidence' to 'Final Charade' stem from the fact that Mr. Lifton was aging, and I feared his some forty years (1980-2020) of post-Best Evidence research could be lost if he passed suddenly without anyone knowing how to access his research in his trusty but cryptic Apple MacBook Air. If so, Final Charade might never see the light of day. When discussing this with a fellow researcher, he told me emphatically, "Jim, you have to discuss this with him." As of this writing, I can only hope that the Estate of Mr. Lifton has access to his research in order to compose it and publish it. Frankly, this conversational and superficial approach will hardly make a dent in the width and depth of this man's forty some year quest to publish Final Charade. If published, Final Charade will be the final word on this topic. Mark my words. At this point, however, this work is better than nothing.


  • Houses of the Holy: A Nightmare Web of Hate, Crime, Corruption and Child Abuse

    Houses of the Holy: A Nightmare Web of Hate, Crime, Corruption and Child Abuse

    This is an unprecedented story of one man’s survival in his struggle against the power of the Federal Government, State Government, the extreme right, the religious right, the mob, and the cult of Freemasonry. It is extremely well documented and focuses on unholy alliances and the strangle hold religion and money have on politics and law enforcement. It exposes a legacy of hate and corruption in the religious right and Freemasonry. The colorful cast of often cartoonish characters is compelling and will shock and entertain the reader. It includes a federal convict engaged in a life of crime while local state and federal authorities run around in circles cleaning up after him, George W. Bush’s former attorney, the son of a mobster who was a known associate of Santo Trafficante Jr., the son of the racist doctor who chose the first astronauts, former Governor Rick Scott, the US Acting Assistant Attorney General and future Acting Attorney General, and parade of religious leaders willing to commit crimes to protect a monster, and many others.




    The Plot to Kill President Kennedy in Chicago and the Other Traces of Conspiracy Leading to the Assassination of JFK: A Visual Investigation delves deep into one of the lesser-known yet critical elements of the Kennedy assassination—the attempted plot to kill the president in Chicago, just weeks before his tragic death in Dallas. This meticulously researched book by renowned author Vince Palamara unveils the layers of conspiracy and negligence, focusing on the overlooked narratives, including the key role of the Secret Service and FBI. Through riveting eyewitness accounts, declassified documents, and a visual exploration of the evidence, Palamara uncovers details about the men involved in the plot, the mistakes that allowed the Dallas assassination to proceed, and the broader implications of a conspiracy that transcended a single city. With interviews from former Secret Service agents and corroborated intelligence reports, this book rewrites the history of Kennedy’s assassination, revealing a continuous thread of danger that stretched from Chicago to Dealey Plaza. For anyone who wants to understand the full scope of what led to the darkest day in American history, this compelling investigation is a must-read. “You seem to know a lot about the Secret Service, maybe even more than I do.” — Former JFK/LBJ Secret Service Agent Joseph Paolella “I want you to know that I appreciate your determination to bring forth the truth concerning the Secret Service of the 60s.” — Former JFK/ Chicago office Secret Service Agent Abraham Bolden “I continue to be impressed with your interest in political affairs and the Kennedy assassination in particular.” — Former JFK/LBJ Secret Service Agent Lynn S. Meredith


  • Psychological DNA: A Cold Case Analysis of Who Killed Robert F. Kennedy

    Psychological DNA: A Cold Case Analysis of Who Killed Robert F. Kennedy

    It has been more than fifty years since presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy, RFK, was murdered at the fashionable Ambassador Hotel in L.A. only five years after his brother John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. The alleged shooter who gunned down RFK, the man with an odd name, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, (Sirhan) a twenty-four-year old Palestinian was apprehended at the scene of the crime with the smoking gun still in his hand leading to the conclusion that this seemingly was an open and shut case, or was it? Subsequently, Sirhan was tried and convicted of first-degree murder though his appointed defense team stitched together a poorly formed, modified insanity defense complicated by many unforced errors made by attorneys and expert psychologists and internationally known psychiatrist, Dr. Bernard Diamond. In PSYCH DNA, Dr. Brady who was immersed in the case from the beginning using modern criminological methods and new psychological assessment tools not available five decades ago has reassessed Sirhan’s mental state arriving at five current mental conditions that, in his opinion, if presented at trial could have changed the jury’s verdict and spared Sirhan a trip to San Quentin’s death row. What follows is Dr. Brady chronicling an amazing journey into the darkest recesses of Sirhan’s unconscious, altered mind where homicidal thoughts had percolated for years. At long last, Sirhan’s criminal mystery wrapped in a psychological enigma is unraveled helping us understand the psychodynamics of a would-be assassin.


  • Sherlock Being Catfished (hardcover)

    Sherlock Being Catfished (hardcover)

    Sherlock Being Catfished is a memoir of a self-induced hypnosis, brilliantly choreographing a pas-de-deux with an internet “catfish” and allowing us to see a sensitive, lonely woman succumb to a devilish entrapment helplessly yet altogether knowingly. The story conveys a thrilling level of consciousness, overwhelmed yet in full knowledge of what is happening and even why, enabling Mellen author to speak in a manner that transcends her personal experience, to the universal vulnerability of the human heart. As the scam unfolds, she makes connections between present and past - the work she has done and people she has encountered over her decades of research, investigations and writing. Sherlock Being Catfished is an undeniably unique and penetrating look at the world of internet dating, and how anyone, regardless of their prolific life’s work and accomplishments, can fall victim to a romance scammer.



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