New Releases
One Nation Under Blackmail Vol 2
Other books on Jeffrey Epstein focus on the depraved nature of his crimes, his wealth and his most famous/politically-connected friends and acquaintances. This book, in contrast, reveals definitively that Epstein's activities were state-sponsored through his intelligence connections. The book is scheduled October 2022. Whitney delivered an incredible book. Around 900 pages. We have had to split it in to two volumes. There will be a bundle available where you can get both books for $34.95. Volume One: Bundle:
Counting Bounty
How much do we spend on the nature we use? Answer that and you'll know the size of your commonwealth and the coming phase of the economy. Most economists bundle land with capital or leave out land and its rent altogether—and cripple their discipline. "Geonomists", OTOH, forecast the last recession to the exact quarter. Counting Bounty highlights a widespread blindspot. Most of us overlook land and its power to twist an economy. Householders typically spend most of their budget on land —beneath their homes and within every purchase like food—without awareness. Tallying rent, this work fills in those blindspots with insights society needs to know. It's not possible to do economics without getting politics all over you. The story begins with the official and academic efforts to minimize the total worth of Earth in America. A perusal of the historical relationship between the elite and the intellectual shows that paying the piper, calling the tune, is the norm, even up to the present. Using a slew of statistics and others' research findings, I track rent to its recipients, to the rentiers who own much and wield much power. The cited sources give the story more legs to stand on than a centipede. Aware reformers can address pressing problems by tapping land value. Towns in Pennsylvania infill instead of sprawl; efficient land use conserves energy. Pittsburgh spurs urban renewal sans subsidy; cities are cash starved. Once towns in Australia experienced factory openings … during a recession! Aspen Colorado and Hong Kong build affordable housing, narrowing inequality. Alaska and Singapore pay residents a dividend, freeing some to drop out of the rat race. Watching rent flow sheds light on how economies operate, why they sometimes fail, and what a society can do about it. As critical issues reach a tipping point, the problems that misdirecting rent causes, redirecting rent can solve. Drawing attention to the grand total for rent by itself raises the possibility of redirecting
what's going on: A History of the Vietnam Era
A half-century ago America was embroiled in a quagmire thousands of miles away from our shores that split the nation in two. Based upon extensive research and interviews, this book chronicles the history of that tempestuous timeframe. The author's succinct yet elegant writing style makes complex issues readily palatable to the knowledge thirsty reader. Relying heavily on oral history, the author offers a rich portrait of the Vietnam Era. Older readers will appreciate the book for its ability to help put a complex period of their lives into clearer perspective. Young people will be able to appreciate the deep implications of the Era and the impact that it had on our society. There are valuable lessons shared in this work that are fully applicable today including the power of organization that helped to not only end a senseless war but also served as a catalyst for significant cultural changes.
The End ... is Only the Beginning
2022 and the Coming of God By S.K. Bain A substantial percentage of conservative Christians already believe that the signs of the Apocalypse are everywhere, and almost daily witness what they believe to be fulfillment of Biblical end-times prophecies. Yet, significant numbers of quite sincere, earnest Bible believers have for the last 2,000 years looked at the conditions in the world around them and, based on their interpretation of scripture, concluded that the jig was up. And they’ve all been wrong. Every single time. But what if, just maybe, ours is the final generation? Can we know for certain that we have arrived at the End of Days? God’s ClockThere is a clock in the heavens. God placed knowledge of this clock into the minds of men in the earliest days of civilization. It was practically universal across the millennia among all peoples and nations. In modern times, we have forgotten this knowledge. We have become too busy and distracted for such things. Now, God is re-awakening this ancient wisdom in our hearts and minds in a profound way, at this specific time in history for a very significant reason, the ultimate reason. Time’s UpAs S.K. Bain adroitly explains, God has very plainly told us that NOW is the time, and told us in such an unmistakable and convincing way that it will not only confirm the faithful’s existing beliefs about where we are on God’s timeline, but will also attract the interest and attention of unbelievers, as well. If Bain is correct, it is a message of hope, a message intended for us, at this precise moment in human history, designed so that all may see, all may know, all may understand and believe. This world must pass so that God’s new world may emerge. The last grain of sand is about to pass through the neck of the hour glass, and God is telling us what time it is, that time has run out. S.K. Bain is the former art director for Rupert Murdoch’s Weekly Standard magazine in Washington, DC, where he worked with FoxNews’ Tucker Carlson and New York Times columnist David Brooks. Bain is the author of three titles published by TrineDay: The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual (2012); Most Dangerous: A True Story (2015); and, Black Jack: The Dawning of the New Great Age of Satan (2019).
Sparky – Surviving Sex Magick
Surviving Sex Magick By Juliette M Engel The literary memoir of a little girl warrior Sparky – Surviving Sex Magick is the literary memoir of a little girl warrior, who survived. Sparky's story shines the spotlight on crimes against American children that were sanctioned on a national scale by the United States government. At the age of six in 1955, she was sold by her parents to the Sex Magick cult run by the CIA under its illegal program of secret experimentation on mind control called Monarch. By the time she was ten, she'd been purposely split into multiple identities, each one associated with a different age and place as her family moved around the country to avoid Child Protective Services and the police. With each new identity, she forgot the last one. In Imperial Beach, California, a tough neighborhood of gangs and brothels abutting the Tijuana Sewer and the Mexican border, she discovered her own courage in the determined persona of a new character, Sparky MacGregor, a Scottish girl who stepped from the pages of an old book and chided her for being weak and afraid. When they touched hands, she exhaled the last vestiges of fear and defeat. She became a warrior who never surrendered. As she grew older, Sparky's memory faded as she was moved from one location to the next. At the age of seventeen, she escaped from a camp in Big Sur, and left childhood behind. She became a physician, raised a family and moved to Moscow where she founded and ran an underground railroad for child sex trafficking victims from the former USSR. Years later, she returned to Imperial Beach to speak at an international conference on border security. The memory of her lost childhood suddenly returned. It hung in the briny air of the wetlands that stretched south to Tijuana. It was there that she re-discovered Sparky. When they touched hands again, the fusion of past and present was like the purr of two engines meshed into synchrony. "Do you remember your promise to me?" Sparky asked. "You vowed to write our terrible story, making it beautiful." This is Sparky's story. In the words of the author: I was born into a family of intelligence operatives and initiated into the CIA's newly established Monarch program in 1955 at the age of six. My childhood was defined by secrets as I struggled to stay alive in an illegal program of mind control and experimentation that had been signed into existence by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles in 1953. Amnesia—traumatic and drug induced—was part of the program of creating multiple identities. As a child, that meant living as different personas as I was moved from place to place, changing schools, making new friends. At age ten, I was selected for Sex Magick because I was tall, smart, and pretty. They were training me to be a sexual spy—a Vril girl, they said. They taught me the art of seduction as well as physics, Ariosophy, cybernetics, and selective genocide. I was considered gifted at remote viewing, having what they called PSI, and was sent to Stanford Research Institute for training. I studied Russian history at the Hoover Institution with Dr. Alexander Kerensky, the first president of Soviet Russia while attending Palo Alto High School across the street. I was being programmed for Russia. In 1966, at the age of seventeen, I escaped from a camp in Big Sur. My life as a free person began on the first day of university. I had no memories before of my life before then and kept it that way through college, medical school, internship, and residency. My amnesia did not impede my work as a radiologist or mother. Once my children were grown, I sold my medical practice and started a foundation in Russia. For ten years I ran the Angel Coalition in Moscow, an underground railroad that rescued and repatriated child sex-trafficking survivors. In 2012, I attended a border security conference in Imperial Beach on the Mexican border. It was there on the briny wetlands of California that the childhood memories returned in a powerful surge. The chronology of my life and the details of my forgotten past became clear to me. The more I worked over the following years to research and verify what I remembered, the bigger the story became. —80 American universities, colleges, hospitals, plus 185 private contractors had engaged in 149 separate CIA-funded sub-projects involving mind control experimentation on children like me, including forced administration of mind-altering drugs (particularly LSD), hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, sexual abuse, and torture. I had to write this story. So, I began at the beginning when I was six years old on the day my father sold me. Juliette Michaelsen Engel, MD Born: February 18, 1949 in Geneva, Illinois, USA Current address: 115 Grant Avenue Takoma Park, MD 20012 EXPERIENCE Miramed Institute, Moscow, Russia Founder and Director, 1991- Present • Researched focus groups on women's healthcare in the former USSR (1991) • Founded MiraMed Womancare Center at Savior's Hospital of Peace and Charity, Moscow (1992) • Started outreach programs to Russian orphanages (1993) • Received accreditation for MiraMed to United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (1994) • Co-sponsored Women's Leadership Conference in Russia with the Council of Indigenous Peoples of Russia and Prologue, Russia (1995) • Co-sponsored 47 delegates from 4 countries to the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing (1995) • Lead first seminar on organizing women with women leaders of Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia (1996) • Began earliest anti-trafficking awareness and education programs for Russian village and orphanage girls (1996) • Expanded orphanage programs, and served as consultant to Russian parliament (1997) • Headed first direct intervention through educational awareness anti-trafficking program in six oblasts of Russia (1998) • Organized Russia's first multi-regional, multi-media public information campaign on sexual trafficking, and founded the MiraMed Independent Living and Social Adaptation Center for orphans in Moscow, St. Petersburg. BODY, MIND & SPIRIT240 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $33.95)PUBLICATION DATE: MARCH 2020ISBN 9781634242950RIGHTS: WOR TRINE DAY (MAR 2020)
Religious Delusions American Style
Manipulations of the Public Mind By Blair Alan Gadsby A road map for civic pluralism in a nation healing from politically-inflicted religious wounds Americans would be shocked to understand just how their religious beliefs have been used against them in the political elitesÖ efforts to engineer society and public policy. In this historical overview of key moments in American religious history, Gadsby demonstrates that what we are commonly-taught in our education systems, mass-media and the political world about religion's role in any number of events, is anything but. In the spirit of Lies My Teacher Told Me, Religious Delusions American Style discusses eight areas in American history ranging from turn-of-the-nineteenth-century eugenics and the Scopes Monkey Trial, to the mind-control program known as Jonestown, to the implausible two-planes-three-buildings-straight-down operation called 9/11, we have been deceived in a big way about what has been done in the name of religion. From the Introduction: ...the social consequences for populations holding religious delusions can range from benign (by being ignored and therefore un-influential), to bad (by inciting stereotypes and phobias about individuals or groups), to worse (by encouraging or extolling actions based in those stereotypes and phobias by means of discrimination, exclusion and persecution), and even to disastrous (by fomenting genocidal physical conflicts and wars). Blair Alan Gadsby is a graduate of the University of Toronto’s Centre for Religious Studies (M.A., 1992) and is currently Adjunct Faculty of Religious Studies at Maricopa County Community College District in Arizona teaching World Religions, among other courses. He is also researching the religious pluralism on the east African coast in the city of Mombasa in Kenya, where he lived in the 1980’s and witnessed firsthand the multi-religious civic harmony that can be achieved in a dominantly Islamic region. HISTORY364 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, EPUB, MOBIPOCKETTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $26.95)PUBLICATION DATE: MARCH 2020ISBN 9781634242837RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (MAR 2020)
How the Social Hierarchy Enables Bullies to Rule Schools, Work Places, and Society at Large By Donald Jeffries Examining the epidemic of bullying and its continuance from the schoolyard into society at large Bestselling author Donald Jeffries turns his critical eye onto the topic of bullying to show how teachers, principals, and other school officials invariably side with the bullies in the most egregious cases, instead of protecting the victims. He also shows how many so-called anti-bullying activists and nearly all the professional experts excuse bullying and in fact laud sociopathic behavior in general. As Jeffries demonstrates, this curious phenomenon is due to the power and influence of the social hierarchy, and it revolves to a great extent around the enduring popularity of sports. Jeffries talked to parents who’d battled a system that logically should have been working for them, some of whom lost a child to bullycide, the term for children who kill themselves over bullying. His investigation into what has become one of the most talked about issues in America is as explosive and controversial as anything he has written. We have insight into the root cause of bullying, why it continues to occur, and its long term effects, so why do we still have a bullying epidemic? Teaching students, parents, and school officials about the negative effects of bullying early-on is only part of the solution. As a society and as individuals, we still allow bullies to rule the classroom, the boardroom, even the oval office. Don Jeffries’ thoroughly researched book explains why and how this continues to occur. Like it or not, bullying affects us all. This is an important topic worth examining and a book that needs to be read. – Jesse Ventura, former Independent Governor of Minnesota Donald Jeffries began researching the JFK assassination as a teenage volunteer with Mark Lane’s Citizens Committee of Inquiry in the mid-1970s. His 2007 novel The Unreals was lauded by the likes of author Alexander Theroux and Night at the Museum screenwriter R. Ben Garant. His first nonfiction book, Hidden History: An Expose of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups in American Politics, became a bestseller praised by everyone from Roger Stone to former Congressional Representative Cynthia McKinney to international peace activist Cindy Sheehan.. 384 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, EPUB, MOBIPOCKETTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $26.95)PUBLICATION DATE: FEBRUARY 2020ISBN 9781634242776RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (FEB 2020)
Echo of Distant Water
The 1958 Disappearance of Portland's Martin Family By J B Fisher The confounding, little-known case of a disappeared Oregon family and the consequences it had for the entire nation In December 1958, Ken Martin, his wife Barbara, and their three young daughters left their home in Northeast Portland to search for Christmas greens in the Columbia River Gorge—and never returned. The Martins' disappearance spurred the largest missing persons search in Oregon history and the mystery has remained perplexingly unsolved to this day. For the past six years, JB Fisher (Portland on the Take) has pored over the case after finding in his garage a stack of old Oregon Journal newspaper articles about the story. Through a series of serendipitous encounters, Fisher obtained a wealth of first-hand and never-before publicized information about the case including police reports from several agencies, materials and photos belonging to the Martin family, and the personal notebooks and papers of Multnomah County Sheriff's Detective Walter E. Graven, who was always convinced that the case was a homicide rather than an accident and worked tirelessly to prove it. Graven, however, faced real resistance from his superiors to bring his findings to light. Used as a trail left behind after his 1988 death to guide future researchers, Graven's personal documents provide fascinating insight into the question of what happened to the Martins—a path leading to abduction and murder, an intimate family secret, and civic corruption going all the way to the Kennedys in Washington, DC. Joshua B. Fisher teaches writing at Portland Community College. He holds a doctorate in English Renaissance literature and was a Shakespeare professor before returning to Oregon, where he is now researching some of the state's most intriguing unsolved cases. TRUE CRIME320 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, EPUB, MOBIPOCKETTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $26.95)PUBLICATION DATE: AUGUST 2019 ISBN 9781634242400RIGHTS: WOR TRINE DAY (AUG 2019)
This Day In Comedy
The Ethnic Encyclopedia of Laughter By Frank Holder and Darryl Littleton A wide-ranging and inclusive comedy encyclopedia This Day in Comedy is not just an encyclopedia, but a celebration of comedy. In humorous prose the book takes readers through the often-neglected subcultures of comedy in America, acknowledging the inclusiveness of the performers as well as shows and films that made this art form so vital to comics of all backgrounds. It’s artistically criminal that a search for Native American or Asian comedy information yields a virtually blank slate. Look for Middle Eastern comics and you’ll be provided information on the region’s comic book revolution, and search results for Latin comedy are confined to a series of outdated articles. This encyclopedia will offer rare and in some cases never-before-seen photos and obscure facts, making it an indispensable comedy essential. Darryl Littleton is a comedian, Emmy nominated writer and former producer of BET’s Comic View. Under his stage persona, D’Militant, he’s appeared on Def Comedy Jam, Loco Comedy Jam, and ABC’s America’s Funniest People where he was the Grand Prize Winner. Darryl has entertained US troops overseas, released two comedy CDs, was an NPR commentator and his first book, Black Comedians on Black Comedy, was adapted for the Showtime documentary, Why We Laugh. He’s a Comedy Hall of Fame curator and following a two-year bout with cancer Darryl was made VP of Talent for Humor Mill-TV. Frank Holder is the founder and publisher of Humor Mill Magazine, an urban comedy and entertainment digital magazine distributed to more than 1.3 million people and a publication known for introducing emerging comedians to the general public. Since its inception, they have introduced thousands of previously unknown comedians, while sharing in-depth interviews and exclusives for their audience. PERFORMING ARTS496 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, EPUB, MOBIPOCKETTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $32.95PUBLICATION DATE: DECEMBER 2019ISBN 9781634242622RIGHTS: WOR (DEC 2019) TRINEDAY STAR
Black Jack
The Dawning of the New Great Age of Satan By S.K. Bain It's been a long time coming, and it's right around the corner… As author S.K. Bain detailed in The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual, the events of September 11th, 2001, constituted a global occult ceremony. But that was mere child's play compared to what he's uncovered since. If 9/11 was a MegaRitual, this is a GigaRitual, or TeraRitual even. Its scope and scale are truly difficult to grasp. If you thought that 2012 was the end of Galactic Alignment, think again. However, this book doesn't propose some new date for the made-up Mayan Doomsday, far from it. We are on the cusp of a once-in-a-26,000-year event, one that, in astrological terms, knows no equal. Do not think for one moment that the masters of our world will let it pass unmarked. Black Jack reveals the true date of the End of the Great Age, the Mother of All Auspicious Occasions, a date that the Cryptocracy has been fixated on—and feverishly preparing for—over the past two centuries, and well before. It will almost assuredly bring a ritualistic celebration like none other ever witnessed, involving mass human sacrifice and the biggest fireworks show in history. The world approaches the dawning of a new Grand Cycle, which the elite will inaugurate as the New Great Age of Satan. As we draw near, ask yourself this question: if you were among the ranks of these precious few ultra-powerful, would you spare any expense or effort to properly commemorate this unique occasion, or to fittingly dedicate it to your Dark Lord? Of course you wouldn't. And, as a member of the Cryptocracy, you would be so bold and fearless as to announce your intentions to the entire world, far in advance. You would provide all the useless eaters with the obligatory fair warning, mockingly giving notice in plain sight in the most powerful city in the world. You would encode The End of the Old World Order in the streets of Washington, D.C., which, as is revealed in these pages, is nothing less than a Gigantic Black Magickal Spellcasting Machine. Furthermore, you would embed the "date of demise" in the modern calendar, as plain as day for those with eyes to see. You would orchestrate a string of foreshadowing, preparatory lesser false-flag attacks / mass rituals in the decades leading up to the grand occasion, rituals involving, for instance, consecrated sacrificial vessels such as—as was the case on 9/11—commercial airliners filled with dozens of innocent victims. Your elite family is among those who have instigated world wars and induced global famines. You think nothing of the use of false-flag terrorism to achieve your goals and objectives—even nuclear false-flag terrorism. One doesn't have to be a religious fundamentalist to sense it, or see it all around us—the Satanification of the World. Practically every public event is now a thinly-veiled, if at all, Satanic ritual. We are being driven hard towards something in the near future, something whose hideous form becomes clearer by the day. All the while, the grip of the global dark-occult technofascist dictatorship grows ever tighter. Preparations have been underway for a very long time, even from the Founding of America, and the hour grows late. With bated breath, the entire planet, knowingly or unknowingly, awaits the arrival of Black Jack. S.K. BAIN is the author of The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual and Most Dangerous: A True Story (the latter written under the thinly-veiled pseudonym Sherwood Kent). Bain is the former art director of the now-defunct neo-conservative Weekly Standard magazine, where he worked with William Kristol, Fred Barnes, David Brooks, Tucker Carlson and others for over five years. During part of that time, the infamous PROJECT FOR THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY was co-located with the publication. Prior to this, Bain was art director for the Oxford American magazine while it was being published by best-selling author John Grisham. BODY, MIND & SPIRIT190 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: EPUB, PDF, MOBIPOCKET, TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $26.95)PUBLICATION DATE: SEPTEMBER 2019ISBN 9781634242561RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (SEP 2019)
The Two Edwards
How King Edward VII and Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey Fomented the First World War By Peter Hof The Two Edwards is unique in that it concentrates on the leading role played by King Edward VII and Foreign Secretary Edward Grey, which is mentioned peripherally—if at all—by others. King Edward is acknowledged as the author of the Triple Entente, but his motive for doing so is rarely mentioned.Historians complain with considerable truth that the pre-War British imperialists acted in secret and took pains to conceal their designs from the public and are therefore obliged to rely excessively on inference, deduction and, sometimes, outright speculation and conjecture. By contrast the actions of the King and his Foreign Secretary left a trail of records and documents which are part and parcel of the historical record and are hardly obscured by the destruction of personal letters and papers which was ordered by Edward VII and Edward Grey. In short, the two Edwards left a permanent documentary trail which reveals the motives and intent of the powerful imperialists who secretly incited the British and German empires to confrontation and whose political New-World-Order descendants remain active to this day. Peter Hof played the slide trombone professionally with many well-known musicians including Stan Kenton, Harry James, Ray Charles, The Temptations and Billy Preston. Fed up with music business, he joined the Los Angeles County Computer Center and worked there as a computer programmer for 33 years. In the 1970s he conducted a series of lectures at the Great War Society in San Francisco) and wrote articles for their official publication, Relevance. He is the author of Our Century, and lives in the Los Angeles area. SOCIAL SCIENCE192 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, EPUB, MOBIPOCKETTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $26.95)PUBLICATION DATE: MAY 2018ISBN 9781634241748RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (MAY 2018)
Free Radicals
War Resisters in Prison By C J Hinke CJ Hinke was arrested in more than 35 civil disobedience actions organized by the pacifist movement from 1963 to 1969. He was the last American arrested for the Vietnam draft and was pardoned by Jimmy Carter in his first official act as US president. After moving to Canada, he defended himself before the British Columbia Supreme Court, and served prison time, including solitary confinement, for blockading clearcut logging and roadbuilding by multinational corporados. Fear is what keeps most citizens from active resistance. This book is intended to break that cycle of fear and encourage broad resistance to militarism. Free Radicals: War Resisters in Prison is the first chronicle of absolutist resisters to war from World War I through Iraq and Afghanistan, surveying military conscription and desertion worldwide. The book's extensive bibliography on war resistance, conscription, and prisons is the first in its field. Living in Thailand since 1989, CJ Hinke co-founded Freedom Against Censorship Thailand (FACT) to campaign against pervasive censorship in Thai society following a military coup d'etat in 2006. FACT's campaign is active both locally and internationally in opposing online, book, and film censorship: "Freedom of opinions, freedom of thought, freedom of ideas, every one of us deserves a voice." CJ Hinke is an international advisor to the WikiLeaks board and FACT provided the very first documents – Thailand's Internet blocklists– to the WL platform. As a Quaker, the author co-founded the Bangkok-based Nonviolence Conflict Workshop (NVCW) to promote the peaceful political solutions based on the teachings of Gene Sharp. HISTORY400 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $23.95)PUBLICATION DATE: MARCH 2017ISBN 9781634240628RIGHTS: WOR
Killing God’s Enemies
The Crazy War Against Jews, African-Americans and the U.S. Government By John Lee Brook and Anthony Tinsman Killing God’s Enemies relates the origin, history and activities of the church of Christian Identity and its violent outgrowth called the Phineas Priesthood. In doing so, the book reveals the group’s philosophy of hate; their methodology, which is death to all blacks, Jews, homosexuals and abortionists; and their goal, which is an America ruled by white men.The church of Christian Identity is a small and obscure religious denomination. Its radical arm – the Phineas Priesthood – barely registers on the radar screens of the general public’s consciousness. That is, until it’s too late. For the Phineas Priesthood is unlike any other priesthood. There is no seminary and no ordination. There is only one requirement: kill the enemies of God. Killing God’s Enemies will tell the fantastic but true tale of: How Christian Identity came to exist. Where the idea of the Phineas Priesthood came from. Relate the violent exploits of the Priesthood’s lone warriors. Show how Anti-Semitism forms the fulcrum upon which Christian Identity pivots John Lee Brook is the author of Blood In Blood Out: The Violent Empire of the Aryan Brotherhood and Blood + Death: The Secret History of Santa Muerte and the Mexican Drug Cartels. Brook is a former priest and a convicted felon. Currently working under a pseudonym for his own protection, he releases this controversial book, the first of its kind. Anthony Tinsman was raised in a Christian Identity militia on a rural homestead and trained in the defense of their extreme beliefs. Having left that craziness behind him, circumstances in society provided further disillusionment. He is currently serving a 35 year sentence for armed bank robbery and the use of machine guns. He is a PEN award winning author, his work has also appeared in The Savage Kick Literary Magazine, Spotlight On Recovery Magazine, Blog Critics, and many more. HISTORY300 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $24.95)PUBLICATION DATE: MAY 2016ISBN 9781634240710RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (MAY 2016)
A Memoir of Injustice
By the Younger Brother of James Earl Ray, Alleged Assassin of Martin Luther King, Jr Including previously undisclosed information on one of the most significant and mysterious events in modern American history, this account debunks the myth that James Earl Ray was a racist and documents his actual location on one of the critical days leading up to the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. The memoir also reveals photographs of James Earl Ray when he was ill in prison and gives the key to a code used by the brothers in planning a prison break. Presenting a mesmerizing perspective on the manipulation of the media in reporting on race relations, the working middle class, and the U.S. criminal justice system, this account broadcasts an urgent call to action to correct some of the many injustices that surround these events, such as the U.S. government's refusal to rigorously test the alleged murder weapon, and encourages support for new federal legislation.
Christianity and 21st Century Science
Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. — Mat 24:32–33 Christians living in the 21st century will be offered many luxuries and health benefits that are truly remarkable, even by today’s standards. In the future we will be offered immortality, be able to upload a computer to our brain, and get injected with stem cells that will repair any organ that would otherwise need to be replaced with an organ transplant. However, not all of the options that we will be offered are permissible in the eyes of God. There is a reason for this: either they will hurt us or else they will hurt someone else. Since this technology did not exist when the Bible was written, we will have to refer to what has been written on parallel issues in order to make our decisions. There are ample verses in the Bible that guide us as to which options to choose. We will begin by examining the viewpoint of the people in the labs who are engineering the technology that will affect our lives. SOCIAL SCIENCE362 Pages, 6 x 9Formats: Trade PaperTrade Paper, $14.95Publication Date: August 2014ISBN 9781937584443
Epidemic America's Trade in Child Rape
The problem of child sex abuse and its cover-up is real. A generation of American children are being destroyed. If you think this happens to someone else’s children and your children are safe, you are mistaken. Your children might be enduring sexual abuse right now while you remain dangerously ignorant. America’s appetite for child pornography puts all our children at risk. Your children and mine. Whether you acknowledge it or not. This book is a wake-up call about a subject too few people want to discuss. That is, while no one was watching, America has become a child pornography nation. FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS184 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $33.95)PUBLICATION DATE: APRIL 2018ISBN 9781634241595RIGHTS: WORTRINEDAY (OCT 2017)
Vietnam Reconsidered
An analysis of the war, the times, and the national trauma that's stretched into current events, from the perspective of an anti-war veteran Very few of the many books about the Vietnam War fully address why the fighting was conducted in such a cruel manner, why it was prolonged far past its logical end, or what, ultimately, went wrong. American literature has been reluctant to emphasize the fact that between 3.5 and 5 million Southeast Asians died—many of them peasants—that the majority of the bombs dropped from American planes landed on South Vietnam—our ally and an impoverished agricultural society—or that the use of napalm and Agent Orange was, in reality, chemical warfare. Americans have been reluctant to acknowledge the damage done, but after 17 years of another, very similar conflict in Afghanistan, many Americans are beginning to wonder why our highly financed and supported military isn't more effective. This book strongly suggests that the lessons of Vietnam are relevant and worthy of being reconsidered as today's wars are debated. From Captain Kangaroo, Roy Rogers, and Walt Disney to space travel, muscle cars, and The Beatles, the generation that would be sent to fight in Vietnam was uniquely influenced by times that were a-changin'. Like square pegs in a round hole, the post-World War II baby boomers were brought up with values that made widespread social outcry against the horrors of the war predictable and necessary. Those influences and values have long been ignored, but this book revives a spirited discussion and analysis of the first war America lost. 480 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, EPUB, MOBIPOCKETTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $33.95)PUBLICATION DATE: JUNE 2019ISBN 9781634242370RIGHTS: WOR TRINE DAY (JUN 2019)
Colonel Crystal's Parallel Universe
A fictional probe of the American military Colonel Alva A. Crystal, U.S.A.F. (ret.), argues that ubiquitous overseas intervention by the U.S. military in the past few decades not only stifles American economic competitiveness and viability, but has done far more harm than good to both America's image and global stability. The result is that the United States is viewed worldwide as the most dangerous country and the leading obstacle to world peace. The troubled Col. Alva Crystal desperately heralds a return to the defense-only military mission that prevailed in the U. S. during its formative years. Such a return to what Colonel Crystal refers to and touts as a "Benevolent Military" would, he claims, effectively serve to address and repair much of what plainly has gone haywire with this country since 9/11. FICTION288 PAGES, 5.5 X 8.5FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, EPUB, MOBIPOCKETTRADE PAPER, $12.95 (US $12.95) (CA $16.95)PUBLICATION DATE: MAY 2019ISBN 9781634241687RIGHTS: WOR TRINE DAY (MAY 2019)TRINEDAY FICTION
The Deceit of Rome
The Roman Catholic Church, an Invented Institution Based on Lies, Intrigues and Malpractice A biting critique of Catholicism's spiritual teachings and institutional practiceThis no-holds-barred volume confirms the feelings of those who have always known something about the church just isn't right. Centuries of corruption continue even with the current pope, under whom many wealthy cardinals are enjoying incomprehensible luxury. Take top cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, for example, who recently spent €200.000 from a children's charity fund on the renovation of his luxurious penthouse apartment. Of course Bertone denies everything, but it's curious to see how often the Vatican's number two has been linked to financial fraud by the Italian Justice Department. According to Italian journalists Emiliano Fittipaldi and Gianluigi Nuzzi, millions of euros meant for charity are supposed to have been "stuck" within the administration and bureaucracy of the Roman Curia. Their sources are leaked Vatican documents, and the two people who have supposedly leaked these documents have since been arrested. These are a Spanish Opus Dei priest and a curious Italian woman, thought to be a mistress of one of the cardinals. I'm sure the pope means well, but he obviously isn't in control of the Curia of Cardinals. RELIGION128 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, MOBIPOCKET, EPUBTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $26.95)PUBLICATION DATE: MAY 2019ISBN 9781634242349RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (MAY 2019)CREDOS
Your Mother's Not a Virgin!
A high school dropout at 15, and deported to Canada at 17, John Barbour is recognized as "the godfather of reality TV" for his role as the creator, producer, co-host, and writer of the trendsetting hit Real People. He won the first of his five Emmys as the original host of AM LA in 1970, where he interviewed controversial anti-war guests like Mohammed Ali, Cesar Chavez, and Jane Fonda. He was the first in America to do film reviews on the news, winning three more consecutive Emmys as KNBC's Critic-At-Large. He spent ten years as Los Angeles Magazine's most widely read and quoted critic and early in his career, he made stand-up comedy appearances on The Dean Martin Show, The Tonight Show, and others. In 1992 he wrote and directed the award-winning The Garrison Tapes, which Director Oliver Stone heralded as "the perfect companion piece to my movie, JFK." In 2017 he wrote and directed part two: The American Media and the Second Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, which was applauded as "the definitive film on JFK and the rise of Fake News." In this highly entertaining, deeply informative autobiography, readers will discover what a multifaceted storyteller Barbour is. BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY738 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $33.95)PUBLICATION DATE: APRIL 2019ISBN 9781634242462RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (APR 2019)
Echoes From the Set 1967-2017 — 50 Years of Filming On-Location
During her decades-long career in film, author Katherine Ann Wilson has amassed an amazing collection of movie memorabilia from 50 different major motion pictures. There are close to 500 photographs of these artifacts, from wardrobe sketches to call sheets, and some rather encyclopedic items like images of crew badges and set cranes. Katherine has been a mentor for film students as well—starting them as gofers, teaching them set etiquette, then taking them all the way through screenplay, set design, camera composition, auditioning, editing, soundtrack composition, copyright, marketing, premieres, film festivals, and world-wide distribution. More than a resource for film mentors like Katherine, this book answers the most unanswered question: How did you get into the movie business? For readers wanting to know how to stay in it, and how to succeed in it, Katherine delves into the art of filmmaking and her personal experiences. TRUE CRIME320 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, EPUB, MOBIPOCKETTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $26.95)PUBLICATION DATE: AUGUST 2019 ISBN 9781634242400RIGHTS: WOR TRINE DAY (AUG 2019)
The Man Who Sold Tomorrow
This page-turning history of an unlikely revolutionary offers new insights into major treasons of the 20th centuryFollowing Solomon Trone into the heart of the conspiracies of the last century, this book traces the story of a simple businessman, leading a sedate life in upstate New York, who was thrown into a Cold War nightmare filled with assassination, secret agents, revolution, and danger. Of particular interest to skeptics of the establishment who lived through the Cold War, this story of deep-seated corruption will also appeal to millennials interested in political action but cynical about the same two-party ideologies passed down the generations. Referencing documentation that many people have died to keep secret, this book gives readers a compelling reason to question assumptions of anyone with staunch political beliefs. HISTORY192 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, MOBIPOCKET, EPUBTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $26.95)PUBLICATION DATE: MAY 2019ISBN 9781634241908RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (MAY 2019)
Burying the Lead The Media and the JFK Assassination
An updated review of the case's facts and novel analysis of the way elite power works with the media during times of crisis The Cold War ushered in a time of secrecy—and willing media cooperation to keep those secrets. But even after winning that war, the vault of secrets remains firmly locked, especially surrounding John F. Kennedy's murder. Even for those who fundamentally oppose the current presidential administration, notions of a national security state and "fake news" must be examined to maintain a functional democracy. This book explains the rapid decline in confidence in government that started after the assassination of JFK. The mainstream media failed to go beyond repeating the official story, and by 1991 they, along with academe and the government, had stopped investigating altogether.It was filmmaker Oliver Stone whose film fueled public outrage and led to the JFK Act to declassify all of the remaining documents. Almost four million pages of documents were then released—that even Congress had not yet seen. The JFK Act stated that all files must be released by October 2017, yet thousands are still withheld on the grounds of national security. This volume examines the tight alliances that have allowed this cover-up for more than 50 years.President Kennedy declared in October 1963 that "men who create power make an indispensable contribution to a nation's greatness, but the men who question power make a contribution just as indispensable, especially when they are disinterested, for they determine whether we use power or power uses us." SOCIAL SCIENCE576 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $33.95)PUBLICATION DATE: FEBRUARY 2019ISBN 9781634241878RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (FEB 2019)
At The Cold Shoulder of History
As the 54th anniversary of JFK's assassination draws near, readers of this firsthand account from the morgue at Bethesda Naval Hospital will question the government's official story At the Cold Shoulder of History gives an in-depth look at what happened in the aftermath of President John F. Kennedy's assassination. One of the only living participants in President Kennedy's autopsy now comes forward after almost 54 years of silence and speaks about what truly took place inside of the morgue at Bethesda Naval Hospital on the night of November 22, 1963. Jenkins gives a detailed account about the procedures performed on the President's remains. What he learned that night led him to believe there was a conspiracy in the murder of the 35th President of the United States and caused him to undertake his own personal journey into the labyrinth of the assassination. SOCIAL SCIENCE216 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, EPUB, MOBIPOCKETTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $33.95)PUBLICATION DATE: NOVEMBER 2018ISBN 9781634242110RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (NOV 2018)
Medical Growing
Employing proven flower-growing techniques used by commercial greenhouses the world over, the growing of cannabis plants is demystified in this helpful gardening book. The natural cycles and growth of the plant are explained, as is how to sprout seedlings, manage growth and soil, how and when to use nutrients, what to look for when it is flowering and finishing, how to cure, and a little about what cannabis can be used for in day-to-day living. Advising to grow the crop patiently, take notes, and observe results, the book also includes a growth journal that makes keeping track a breeze. Plans for an herb hut are provided to make it easy to build an outdoor greenhouse. Easy-to-use and efficient methods, materials that are inexpensive and easy to find, and explanations that suit the simple truth of the environment are all presented in this all-in-one guide to growing a successful crop of cannabis. GARDENING144 PAGES, 8.625 X 11FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $29.95)PUBLICATION DATE: MARCH 2018ISBN 9781634241021RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (MAR 2018)KENEH PRESS
Who's Who in the Secret Service
An exciting exposé of the top 100 most famous Secret Service agents, complete with biographical notes and photographs America's oldest law enforcement agency, the United States Secret Service, has never been exposed like this before. The Secret Service has made many headlines through the decades, especially in the last five years. This book presents a thorough look at more than 100 of the most famous, infamous, and interesting agents who have protected presidents from William McKinley to John F. Kennedy to President Trump and everyone in between. Students of history will find much to contemplate in this revealing, entertaining, and sometimes disturbing book. Readers will never look at the men who guard the president the same way ever again. SOCIAL HISTORY300 PAGES,6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, MOBIPOCKET, EPUB TRADE PAPER,$19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $26.95)PUBLICATION DATE: SEPTEMBER 2018ISBN 9781634241816RIGHTS: WOR TRINE DAY (SEP 2018)
In the Shadows of a Presidency
On November 8, 2016, the seemingly impossible became real: Donald Trump — billionaire tycoon with fundamentally xenophobic, savage, and populist speech — won the presidency and began endangering values like democracy and world peace. Author Daniel Estulin argues that nothing about this situation was accidental and that behind this event many interests are hidden. This volume asks: How did America get here? Was it a truly democratic event? And, above all, what are the interests behind the election of Trump? From his privileged status as a Russian ex-spy, Daniel Estulin dives into the long process that has led Donald Trump to the presidency. In The Shadows of a Presidency offers a behind-the-scenes chronicle of the actors, governments, companies, and institutions involved in his election and the payout it will yield for insiders. POLITICAL SCIENCE384 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, EPUB, MOBIPOCKETTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $33.95)PUBLICATION DATE: JULY 2018ISBN 9781634242028RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (JUL 2018)
Being There Eye Witness To History
Douglas Caddy was the attorney for E. Howard Hunt, one of the key persons involved in both the JFK assassination and Watergate. Being There: Eye Witness to History is his autobiographical account of these events by accidentally being in the right place at the right time or the wrong place at the wrong time. Episodes include being with Lee Harvey Oswald and Guy Banister in New Orleans, investigating the founding of the modern conservative movement and where it went wrong, looking inside the JFK assassination and the Watergate Conspiracy, uncovering JFK's secret son and why he came to fear for his life, analyzing LBJ's murder victims and his rise to the presidency, interpreting the Moody Foundation Scandal, Russia's involvement in Trump's election, and more. SOCIAL SCIENCE248 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $33.95)PUBLICATION DATE: MAY 2018ISBN 9781634241144RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (MAY 2018))
Liber 420 Cannabis, Magickal Herbs and the Occult
The hidden history of cannabis in medieval and renaissance alchemy and magic Find out about the important role cannabis played in helping to develop modern medicines through alchemical works. Although little known, cannabis played a very important role in alchemy, and appears in the works of such figures as Zosimos, Avicenna, Paracelsus, Cardano and Rabelais. Cannabis also played a pivotal role in medieval and renaissance magic and recipes with instructions for its use appear in a number of influential and important grimoires such as the Picatrix, Sepher Raxiel: Liber Salomonis, and The Book of Oberon. Could cannabis be the Holy Grail? with detailed historical references, the author explores the allegations the Templars were influenced by the hashish ingesting Assassins of medieval Islam, and that myths of the Grail are derived from the Persian traditions around the sacred beverage known as haoma, which was a preparation of cannabis,opium and other drugs. Many of the works discussed, have never been translated into English, or published in centuries. The unparalleled research in this volume makes it a potential perennial classic on the subjects of both medieval and renaissance history of cannabis, as well as the role of plants in the magical and occult traditions. BODY, MIND & SPIRIT480 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $34.95 (US $34.95) (CA $43.95)PUBLICATION DATE: APRIL 2018ISBN 9781634241656RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (APR 2018)KENEH PRESS
See No Evil The JFK Assassination and the U.S. Media
An examination of new theories and media engagement with JFK's assassination. After more than fifty years of new evidence and new theories, the Warren Commission's claim that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone and without clear motive in assassinating John F. Kennedy, has become a wheezing jalopy running on missing and broken parts and fueled with lies. And yet the U.S. media continue to support its findings as the only "factual" explanation for the murder of JFK. Why does the media marginalize and even ridicule more plausible conspiracy theories when the majority of American people long ago wrote off the Warren Report as a cover-up? See No Evil analyzes the built-in biases of the U.S. corporate media, exposes its complicity in the whitewashing, and advocates for the broadest possible investigation into the key players who may have been responsible for the Crime of the Twentieth Century, including the CIA, Organized Crime, and Israel. This book is meant for readers who seek the truth no matter where it leads. HISTORY192 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $26.95)PUBLICATION DATE: APRIL 2018ISBN 9781634241625RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (APR 2018)
Prolonging the Agony How the Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WWI
The fact that governments lie is generally accepted today, but World War I was the first global conflict in which millions of young men were sacrificed for hidden causes. They did not die to save civilization; they were killed for profit and in the hopes of establishing a one-world government. By 1917, America had been thrust into the war by a President who promised to stay out of the conflict. But the real power behind the war consisted of the bankers, the financiers, and the politicians, referred to, in this book, as The Secret Elite. Scouring government papers on both sides of the Atlantic, memoirs that avoided the censor's pen, speeches made in Congress and Parliament, major newspapers of the time, and other sources, Prolonging the Agony maintains that the war was deliberately and unnecessarily prolonged and that the gross lies ingrained in modern "histories" still circulate because governments refuse citizens the truth. Featured in this book are shocking accounts of the alleged Belgian "outrages," the sinking of the Lusitania, the manipulation of votes for Herbert Hoover, Lord Kitchener's death, and American and British zionists in cahoots with Rothschild's manipulated Balfour Declaration. The proof is here in a fully documented exposé—a real history of the world at war. SOCIAL SCIENCE480 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $31.95)PUBLICATION DATE: NOVEMBER 2017ISBN 9781634241564RIGHTS: US & CATRINE DAY (NOV 2017)
A Terrible Mistake The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments
Following nearly a decade of research, this account solves the mysterious death of biochemist Frank Olson, revealing the identities of his murderers in shocking detail. It offers a unique and unprecedented look into the backgrounds of many former CIA, FBI, and Federal Narcotics Bureau officials—including several who actually oversaw the CIA’s mind-control programs from the 1950s to the 1970s. In retracing these programs, a frequently bizarre and always frightening world is introduced, colored and dominated by many factors—Cold War fears, the secret relationship between the nation’s drug enforcement agencies and the CIA, and the government’s close collaboration with the Mafia. Category: Investigative HistoryPages: 960Book Type: HardbackSize: 6 x 9ISBN: 0977795373
We Are CHANGE The Global Truth & Liberty Movement
What started as a small New York City youth group quickly became one of the most prominent grassroots activist/citizen journalist organizations, with over 260 chapters worldwide. We Are CHANGE emerged from the ashes of a post-9/11 New York and would eventually change the world in a historic effort of epic proportions. The group became a leading force within key political movements, including the 9/11 Truth movement, the antiwar movement, the liberty/patriot movement, and Occupy Wall Street, and confronted some of the most powerful war criminals, propagandists and institutions, on their deepest, darkest lies and secrets. Featuring the insider account of a founding member, keynote speeches and important dialogue from 21st century thought-leaders, and much more, We Are CHANGE exposes covert reconnaissance operations against peaceful activist groups, explores pressing philosophical questions, and shares tales of trials and tribulations, as well as brotherhood and camaraderie. SOCIAL SCIENCE416 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, EPUB, MOBIPOCKETTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $26.95)PUBLICATION DATE: OCTOBER 2017ISBN 9781634241397RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (OCT 2017)
The Three Barons The Organizational Chart of the JFK assassination
The Three Barons proves that it is possible (with enough research), to reconstruct the organizational chart of the JFK plot. This book provides the first useful, in-depth analysis of the 120 phone calls by LBJ in the week following the assassination regarding such items as the Civil Rights Act, demands made by the military and similar political power plays. The Three Barons presents the first use of statistical factor analysis to identify the plotters, using a database of 30 books and 1500 names and examines the military officers allegedly close to the plot, such as NATO Commander Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer, General Lauris Norstad, and JFK's advisor, Gen. Maxwell Taylor. For the first time, the National Security Council, its structure and its members, are scrutinized for their obvious role in the JFK plot. More specifically, The Three Barons explains the role of Treasury Secretary C. Douglas Dillon and his father, investment banker Clarence Dillon, who likely had fascist sympathies. This book identifies, for the first time, why there were three actual barons involved in the plot and why at least three members of the Warren Commission had powerful Nazi connections, beginning in WWII and continuing through November 22, 1963. SOCIAL SCIENCE384 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, EPUB, MOBIPOCKETTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $33.95)PUBLICATION DATE: DECEMBER 2017ISBN 9781634241427RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (DEC 2017)
Ruthless Ambition — The Rise and Fall of Chris Christie
How could a man like Chris Christie get within shouting distance of a seat in the Oval Office? What does this say about our Justice system, and about us? If you think you know the whole story of Christie’s rise and later fall from grace—think again. In his searing tell-all, Ruthless Ambition: The Rise and Fall of Chris Christie, former New Jersey State Assemblyman Louis Manzo recounts an extraordinary tale of political ruthlessness, corruption, and greed while also telling the story of how he was caught in the center of one of the most egregious political scandals in modern-day history: the Bid Rig III sting operation, masterminded by the then United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey and soon-to-be Governor Chris Christie. Manzo shows us how the blind ambitions of Christie and his staff centered on capturing a governorship and the patronage jobs that accompany it, then parlaying that office into a shot at the presidency. Meticulous in backing up everything he says with objective legal documentation, Manzo makes a convincing and disconcerting case for the governor as an unbridled and sinister political figure who made the most of a seriously flawed Department of Justice and overall judicial system to feed his megalomania and desire for power. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in justice and ethical leadership. It can’t happen here? Well, it almost did. Soon you will know why. Philosopher George Santayana said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Substitute “understand history” and you can appreciate how Manzo’s courageous true tale is poised to help all of us better understand the seemingly incomprehensible. BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY396 Pages, 6 x 9Formats: Trade PaperTrade Paper, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $27.95)Publication Date: April 2014ISBN 9781937584894Rights: WOR
The Bridge of the Gods A Romance of Indian Oregon
An amalgamation of fact and legend that creates a portrait of rural Native American life in the 19th century First published in 1890, The Bridge of the Gods is a tale of the American Indians of the Northwest. Frederic Homer Balch describes missionaries attempting to convert Native Americans to Christianity, warring tribes who try to form an alliance to drive out the white settlers, and Native American legends of how the land—its mountains and rivers—came to be. Throughout his brief life, Balch observed and interviewed the American Indians in his native Oregon. More than a compilation of stories, Balch's classic work is a portrait of the Northwest tribes: their food, dress, shelters, canoes, gambling games, religious beliefs, and the sports and pastimes of their children. FICTION280 PAGES, 5.5 X 8.5FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, EPUB, MOBIPOCKETTRADE PAPER, $9.95 (US $9.95) (CA $11.95)PUBLICATION DATE: MARCH 2016ISBN 9781634240215RIGHTS: WOR
JFK From Parkland to Bethesda
An all-in-one resource containing more than 15 years of research on the JFK assassination A map through the jungle of statements, testimony, allegations, and theories relating to the assassination of John F. Kennedy, this compendium gives readers an all-in-one resource for facts from this intriguing slice of history. The book, which took more than 15 years to research and write, includes details on all of the most important aspects of the case, including old and new medical evidence from primary and secondary sources.JFK: From Parkland to Bethesda tackles the hard evidence of conspiracy and cover-up and presents a mass of sources and materials, making it an invaluable reference for anyone with interest in the President Kennedy and his assassination in 1963. HISTORY188 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $23.95)PUBLICATION DATE: NOVEMBER 2015ISBN 9781634240277RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (NOV 2015)
Dorothy, "An Amoral and Dangerous Woman"
Contains new facts concerning Nixon, Watergate, and the death of Dorothy Hunt, wife of E. Howard Hunt, Dorothy, "An Amoral and Dangerous Woman" tells the life story of ex-CIA agent Dorothy Hunt, who married Watergate mastermind and confessed contributor to the assassination of JFK. The book chronicles her rise in the intelligence field after World War II, as well as her experiences in Shanghai, Calcutta, Mexico, and Washington, DC. It reveals her war with President Nixon and asserts that she was killed by the CIA in the crash of Flight 553. Written by the only person who was privy to the behind-the-scenes details of the Hunt family during Watergate, this book sheds light on a dark secret of the scandal. BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY336 Pages, 6 x 9Formats: Trade PaperTrade Paper, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $29.95)Publication Date: October 2015ISBN 9781634240376Rights: WOR Trine Day (Oct 2015)
Most Dangerous A True Story
A deeper understanding of the occult aspects of 9/11 and the Kennedy assassination The year is 2013, the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination, and Kent Bain discovers that he and the rest of the unwitting citizenry of Tupelo, Mississippi, are enmeshed in a year-long series of scripted events meticulously planned and brilliantly executed by some of the most ruthless, diabolically creative, powerful psychopaths on the planet. From a critical look at the suspicion-arousing Boston bombings to new revelations about the Kennedy assassination and the Zapruder film, the author weaves tantalizing insights into a range of historical events that help the reader better understand the breadth and depth of the villainy with which Kent is faced. BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY288 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $29.95)PUBLICATION DATE: JANUARY 2016ISBN 9781634240406RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (JAN 2016)
Silent Coup The Removal of a President
This is the true story of betrayal at the nation's highest level. Unfolding with the suspenseful pace of a le Carre spy thriller, it reveals the personal motives and secret political goals that combined to cause the Watergate break-in and destroy Richard Nixon. Investigator Len Colodny and journalist Robert Gettlin relentlessly pursued the people who brought down the president. Their revelations shocked the world and forever changed our understanding of politics, of journalism, and of Washington behind closed doors. Silent Coup contains exclusive new material gathered from hundreds of interviews, from still-unreleased government documents, from the complete Oval Office logs of Nixon's presidency, and from a painstaking cross-examination of the books and testimony of the major and minor players in the story. The result is a major revision of history, one that will forever change our understanding of how and why Richard Nixon was forced to resign. HISTORY520 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPER, MOBIPOCKET, EPUBPAPER, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $29.95)PUBLICATION DATE: JUNE 2016ISBN 9781634240536RIGHTS: WOR
Deconstructing Wikileaks
Julian Assange is regarded by many people as a hero, by others as a cyber-terrorist or even a spook, and by some … simply a dupe. In Deconstructing WikiLeaks, Daniel Estulin’s overview of the facts and fantasies surrounding WikiLeaks’ unprecedented outpouring of hi-jacked official documents, the reader is treated to dozens of perspectives from many interested observers and researchers, who have attempted to unearth the truth beneath this explosive, but enigmatic, engine of change.That truth has proved to be a hard cat to track, and the author freely admits to some ambivalence in his opinion of WikiLeaks. At the same time he documents comprehensively, with his own well-informed insights, the many contradictions concerning the mission statement, the strange omissions and the oddly selective nature of the documents released by WikiLeaks.In the midst of our ever-expanding exuberance of remote communications, Deconstructing WikiLeaks not only delves into the history of Assange and his arrival on the world scene, it furnishes a historical framework for the machinations of elite, long-ruling forces, and the complicity of the international tame media in the continuing obfuscation of evil deeds against democracy, world-wide awareness, and prosperity. POLITICAL SCIENCE192 PAGES, 5.5 X 8.5FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $21.95)ISBN 9781937584115RIGHTS: US & CA
The Octopus Deception
Diving into the far-reaching tentacles of the global financial industryIn this timely political thriller, CIA special agent Curtis Fitzgerald, scholar Simone Casoloro, and historian Michael Asbury, must race against the clock to find trillions of dollars worth of stolen funds to prevent global economic collapse. Since the end of the Second World War, an elite organization called The Octopus has controlled the funds hidden away in six bank accounts. As the crux of the global economy, the loss of the money threatens to send the world into pure chaos unless it’s retrieved. Fitzgerald, Casoloro, and Asbury find themselves down the rabbit hole of government conspiracies and secret societies in the hunt for the missing riches. Love, betrayal, murder, and deceit play prominently in this novel following in the wake of the ongoing financial crisis. FICTION300 Pages, 5.5 x 8.5Formats: Trade PaperTrade Paper, $14.95 (US $14.95) (CA $16.95)Publication Date: April 2013ISBN 9781937584238Rights: US & CA
Maggie's Hammer
In November 1988, Hugh John Simmonds CBE, Margaret Thatcher’s favorite speechwriter and the author’s best friend, boss and political mentor, turned up dead in a woodland glade a few miles from their sleepy suburban hometown 20 miles west of London. To learn why his best friend was murdered, Geoffrey Gilson journeyed into the dangerous world of international arms deals, covert intelligence operations and high-level political corruption and discovered a secret that explains much of contemporary history. A quest for truth which, after 20 years of high-risk adventure coupled with painstaking research and firsthand interviews, uncovered the ugly reality that, for some 30 years, the various governments of Great Britain have loaned their country’s military and intelligence services to the United States, allowing presidents from Reagan to Obama to pursue their covert foreign and military policies without the encumbrance of congressional oversight. SOCIAL SCIENCE248 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $29.95 (US $29.95) (CA $35.95)PUBLICATION DATE: AUG 2015ISBN 9781634240093RIGHTS: US, CA, AU & NZTRINEDAY (JUN 2015)
Shadow Masters
"If you want to know who really runs the world and the lengths to which they will go to establish their globalist hegemony, you must read Estulin's well-documented The True Story of The Bilderberg Group.""Judging from the list of frontrunners of each party, Daniel Estulin . . . may be on to something.""For some 15 years, Estulin has been a thorn in the sides of the Bilderbergers, relentlessly hunting down their secret meeting places, gaining inside sources who divulge what goes on behind closed doors, even photographing attendees and publicly disclosing it all. Now he has put it all in a book that every person who values freedom and democracy should read." This investigation examines how behind-the-scenes collaboration between government, intelligence services, and drug traffickers has lined the pockets of big business and Western banks. Among the examples cited are the cozy relationship between Victor Bout, the largest weaponry dealer in the world, and George Bush’s administration; the NGOs who are plundering Darfur with the help of big multinationals seeking to take over the oilfields around the country; the ties that the Muslim Brotherhood maintains with the White House despite their involvement with the March 11th attacks in Madrid; and the embezzlement of more than $2.8 million from the International Monetary Fund by Roman Abramovich, the biggest oligarch in Russia. History, Current Events312 pages, Trade Paper, 6 x 930 B/W PhotosDistribution Rights: US & CA$24.95 (CAN $27.95)9780979988615 (0979988616)
A Sorcerer's Apprentice
Follow the fascinating story of one man's journey into the realm of the fantastic: the CIA-sponsored psychic spies with the ability to extend their consciousness to accurately describe targets not only half a world away but to look into the future as well. It all sounded like science fiction to John Herlosky after reading an expose by former member of the CIA's Project Stargate, Dr. David Morehouse. Two years later, skeptical but intrigued by the possibilities implied, John entered the classroom of Dr. Morehouse to find out the truth—and never looked back. A Sorcerer's Apprentice is an autobiographical account of the author's experience learning the CIA-sponsored scientifically validated form of extrasensory perception called "remote viewing." The book chronicles the author's journey from interested skeptic to operational remote viewer working his first mission as well as his former life as a police officer and private military contractor. He takes you on a journey from the crushing depths and pathos of the wreck of the Titanic to the fate of a downed pilot missing for 19 years from the first Gulf War. Witness the personal turmoil as the author's long-held beliefs clash with the powerful implications of his experiences. BODY, MIND & SPIRIT280 PAGES, 6 X 9FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $23.95)PUBLICATION DATE: APRIL 2015ISBN 9781634240000RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (APR 2015)
Autistic Holocaust The Reason Our Children Keep Getting Sick
Stressing that autism is a major public health crisis of unequalled proportions, this book accuses the federal government of refusing to acknowledge it as such and having a corrupt and morally unsound relationship with “Big Pharma.” First noting the dramatic rise in cases of autism in the United States since the 1970s, Autistic Indifference then discusses the rampant misuse and dangers associated with vaccinations. Additionally, the book argues that the Center for Disease Control has lied to the American public by presenting inaccurate data on annual flu deaths and, along with the Vaccine Safety Datalink, has buried damaging research on the perils of vaccines. Written by a parent of a child suffering from autism, this book is a must-read for anyone concerned with the neurological brain disorder. SOCIAL SCIENCE168 PAGES, 5.5 X 8.5FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $22.95)PUBLICATION DATE: MAY 2015ISBN 9781937584832RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (MAY 2015)
Fraud Upon the Court Reclaiming the Law, Joyfully
A scathing look at our legal system, Fraud Upon the Court explores the important topic of fraud committed in a case by a member of the court. Mary Maxwell discusses famous trials in which she believes fraud upon the court has occurred, including the trials of Troy Davis, James Earle Ray, and various 9/11 cases, and advocates the use of a Writ of Coram Nobis to remedy the frauds. The book also explains the biological reason people believe authority and how to have a court case set aside if the judge cheated, no matter how many years ago. SOCIAL SCIENCE340 PAGES, 5.5 X 8.5FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $14.95 (US $14.95) (CA $17.95)PUBLICATION DATE: AUGUST 2015ISBN 9781634240123RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (AUG 2015)CREDOS
Axes of Evil The True Story of the Ax-Man Murders
The ax-man murders of 1912 in Louisiana and Texas leave a bloody trail of evidence that points to the largest, unsolved serial killing in history of the United States. It’s a tale of ritual murder, voodoo mayhem, and wholesale killings that leads the reader on a shocking train ride across two states and into the chapters of a real American horror story. The fiendish slayings of 10 sleeping families nestled in their beds is only the beginning of the terrifying account of a true crime that remains unsolved. Axes of Evil sheds light on an unwritten part of American history and uncovers the American “Jack the Ripper.” TRUE CRIME240 PAGES, 5.5 X 8.5FORMATS: TRADE PAPERTRADE PAPER, $19.95 (CA $23.99) (US $19.95)PUBLICATION DATE: JANUARY 2015ISBN 9781937584726RIGHTS: WORTRINE DAY (JAN 2015)